articles exercise
Exercise (B) Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 1. A library is (a) ___ part and parcel of (b) ____ education institution. It is (c) ___ unique place where books of different subjects are kept for (d) ____ reading. It enables (e) ___ readers to read books of their choice that create (f) ___ enthusiasm for learning. Students should pay (g) ___ visit to (h) ___ library regularly. They can borrow books for (i) ___ certain period and return them after (j) ___ given time. 2. Money cannot buy (a) ___ happiness. Money is (b) ___ must for our life. But it is nit (c) ___ necessary to bring our happiness. Happiness is absolutely (d) ___ psychological thing. It is (e) ___ name of (f) ___ feeling. It means (g) ___ contentment of the mind. He who is satisfied with what he gets and content with his life is (h) ___ really happy one. Happiness can’t be purchased with (i) ___ money. No do...