Idioms and phrases

Idioms and Phrases
wKQy K_vt- Bs‡iwR fvlvi †h †Kvb cÖwZ‡hvwMZvg~jK cix¶vq cÖvqB Idiom and Phrase-Gi Dci wKQy cÖkœ †`Iqv n‡q _v‡K| A‡b‡KB mwVK DËi w`‡Z cv‡ib bv; wKsev wKfv‡e idiom and phrase e¨envi K‡i sentence-wU mwVK Kiv hvq Zv ey‡S DV‡Z cv‡ib bv| Z‡e idiom and phrase-Gi cÖKvi‡f` I A_© †R‡b Zv mwVK parts of speech I tense wn‡m‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z cvi‡jB sentence-wU mwVK n‡q _v‡K|
Phrase-Gi msÁv I cÖKvi‡f`
Phrase-Gi msÁvt- Sentence-Gi Aš—©fy³ †h kãmgwói subject I finite verb _v‡K bv wKš‘ Zv parts of speech wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i, †m kãmgwó‡KB phrase e‡j| †h‡nZz phrase-Gi subject I finite verb _v‡K bv, †m‡nZz ïay phrase e¨envi K‡i mvavibZ †Kvb sentence evbv‡bv hvq bv; sentence evbv‡Z clause e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| Z‡e clause-Gi g‡a¨ GK ev GKvwaK phrase _vK‡Z cv‡i| D‡jL¨ †h, clause †i‡L phrase ev` w`‡j sentence-Gi †Kvb Amyweav nq bv| †hgb-
i) The boy was punished because of his absence. (wet `ªt cÖwZwU D`vni‡Yi AvÛvijvBÛ AskwUB Phrase)
ii) The man going to the shopping centre is my cousin.
iii) The poor ought not to be looked down upon by us.
iv) Bread and butter is my favourite breakfast.
v) Kona as well as Moli is very beautiful.
Phrase-Gi cÖKvi‡f`t- MVb-Abymv‡i phrase me©‡gvU bq cÖKv‡ii n‡jI A_©-Abymv‡i Zv mvavibZ noun phrase, adjective phrase, verbal phrase, adverbial phrase, prepositional phrase, conjunctional phrase Ges interjectional phrase-Gi g‡a¨B mxgve× _v‡K| GKB MV‡bi phrase A_©-Abymv‡i bvbvb phrase wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e verbal phrase e¨env‡ii †¶‡Î number (singular-plural), voice (active-passive) Ges tense (past-present-future) †Lqvj ivLv AZ¨š— cÖ‡qvRb, Zv bvn‡j sentence-wU fyj n‡q hv‡e| g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, ïay verbal phrase-Gi †¶‡ÎB phrase-wUi MVbMZ cwieZ©b nq; Ab¨ ‡Kvb phrase-Gi †¶‡Î MVbMZ †Kvb cwieZ©b QvovB phrase-wU mivmwi sentence-G e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e possessive case (one's, somebody's) mg„× phrase-Gi †¶‡Î possessive case-wUi cwieZ©b N‡U| wb‡P bq cÖKvi phrase-Gi wel` Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡jv t-
1. Noun Phrase: G phrase-wU †Kvb sentence-Gi subject, object, complement wKsev preposition-Gi object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q noun-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i| ‡hgb-
i) Joy and sorrow come by turns. (GLv‡b “Joy and sorrow” = subject = noun phrase)
ii) Nobody likes a slow coach. (GLv‡b “a slow coach” = object = noun phrase)
iii) To tell a lie is a great sin. (GLv‡b “To tell a lie” = infinitive phrase = subject = noun phrase)
iv) Reading different books is my habit. (GLv‡b “Reading different books” = subject = noun phrase)
v) The righteous are bold. (GLv‡b “The righteous” = the + adjective = subject = noun phrase)
vi) She is fond of taking sweets. (GLv‡b “taking sweets” = preposition-Gi object = noun phrase)
vii) Mr. Javed is a man of letters. (GLv‡b “a man of letters” = complement = noun phrase)
viii) He needs to go there. (GLv‡b “to go there” = infinitive phrase = object = noun phrase)
ix) Gold and silver have I none. (GLv‡b “Gold and silver” = object = noun phrase)
2. Adjective Phrase: G phrase-wU †Kvb sentence-Gi noun, pronoun wKsev noun phrase-‡K qualify (we‡kwlZ Kiv) K‡i A_©vr noun, pronoun wKsev noun phrase-Gi †`vl, ¸Y, cwigvb, gvÎv BZ¨vw` cÖKvk K‡i adjective-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i _v‡K| ‡hgb-
i) A man in great difficulties came to me for help. (GLv‡b “in great difficulties” = prepositional phrase =qualifier of a noun (man) = adjective phrase)
ii) Nasim is good for nothing. (GLv‡b "good for nothing” = qualifier of a noun (Nasim) = adj phrase)
iii) This is the path to go home. (GLv‡b “to go home” = infinitive phrase = qualifier of a noun (path) = adjective phrase)
iv) The girl going to the party is his cousin. (GLv‡b “going to the party” = present participle phrase = qualifier of a noun (girl) = adjective phrase)
v) The secret letter signed by the Managing Director was sent to him. (GLv‡b “signed by the Managing Director” = past participle phrase = qualifier of a noun phrase (The secret letter) = adjective phrase)
vi) Mrs. Shahed, the Principal of this college, is attending the party tonight. (GLv‡b “the Principal of this college” = appositive = qualifier of a noun (Mrs. Shahed) = adjective phrase)
3. Verbal Phrase: G phrase-wU †Kvb sentence-Gi verb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q verb-Gi KvR K‡i _v‡K| G verbal phrase-wU e¨env‡ii †¶‡Î me‡P‡q †ewk mZK©Zv Aej¤^b Ki‡Z nq| Kvib, sentence-wUi subject hw` 3rd person singular number-Gi nq Zvn‡j sentence-wUi main verb-Gi mv‡_ s/es †hvM Ki‡Z nq (present indefinite tense-Gi †¶‡Î) wKsev †m Abymv‡i be verb (is/was) A_ev have verb (has/had) e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| GQvov sentence-wU passive voice-Gi n‡j, ‡m‡¶‡Î h_vh_ be verb Ges gyj verb-Gi past participle form e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| Avevi possessive case (one's, somebody's) mg„× verbal phrase-Gi †¶‡Î possessive case-wUiI cwieZ©b N‡U| ZvQvov, sentence-wU‡Z e¨eüZ adverb/adverbial phrase (of time) †`‡L tense wbY©q K‡i †mB tense Abymv‡i verbal phrase-wU e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgb
i) Every student of this college abides by the rules and regulations. (GLv‡b “Every student of this college” GB subject-wU 3rd person singular number-Gi nIqvq sentence-wUi verbal phrase (abide by)-Gi mv‡_ s/es †hvM K‡i abides by †jLv n‡q‡Q)
ii) He bids fair to shine in life. (GLv‡b “He” GB subject-wU 3rd person singular number-Gi nIqvq sentence-wUi verbal phrase (bid fair)-Gi mv‡_ s/es †hvM K‡i bids fair †jLv n‡q‡Q)
iii) Sajib has already made up his mind to retire from business. (GLv‡b “Sajib” GB subject-wU 3rd person singular number-Gi nIqvq Ges adverb wn‡m‡e already _vKvq sentence-wUi verbal phrase (make up one's mind)- Gi cwieZ©b NwU‡q present perfect tense Abymv‡i has made up his mind †jLv n‡q‡Q| D‡jL¨ †h, verbal phrase-wUi one's-Gi cwie‡Z© subject (Sajib) Abymv‡i his †jLv n‡q‡Q)
iv) I have tried my best to help him. (GLv‡b sentence-wUi verbal phrase (try one's best)-Gi cwieZ©b NwU‡q present perfect tense Abymv‡i have tried my best †jLv n‡q‡Q| D‡jL¨ †h, verbal phrase-wUi one's-Gi cwie‡Z© subject (I) Abymv‡i my †jLv n‡q‡Q| Z‡e sentence-wU‡K Ab¨vb¨ tense w`‡qI Kiv hvq)
v) The girl went through the novel last night. (GLv‡b adverbial phrase (of time) wn‡m‡e last night _vKvq sentence-wUi verb phrase (go through)-Gi cwieZ©b NwU‡q past simple tense Abymv‡i went through †jLv n‡q‡Q)
vi)The police left no stone unturned to trace the culprits before submitting the report. (GLv‡b adverbial phrase (of time) wn‡m‡e before submitting the report _vKvq sentence-wUi verbal phrase (leave no stone unturned)-Gi cwieZ©b NwU‡q past indefinite tense Abymv‡i left no stone unturned †jLv n‡q‡Q| Z‡e sentence-wU‡K future indefinite tense w`‡qI Kiv †hZ| †hgb- The police will leave no stone unturned to trace the culprits before submitting the report.)
vii) The poor ought not to be looked down upon by the rich. (GLv‡b sentence-wU passive voice-Gi nIqvq sentence-wUi verbal phrase (look down upon)-Gi cwieZ©b NwU‡q passive voice Abymv‡i be looked down upon †jLv n‡q‡Q)
viii) All his hopes were nipped in the bud at the sudden death of his father. (GLv‡b sentence-wU passive voice-Gi nIqvq sentence-wUi verbal phrase (nip in the bud)-Gi cwieZ©b NwU‡q passive voice Abymv‡i were nipped in the bud †jLv n‡q‡Q)
ix) Everybody should be conscious of taking care of his health. (GLv‡b sentence-wUi verb n‡Q should be. Avgiv Rvwb, take care of GB phrase-wU verbal phrase nIqv m‡Ë¡I preposition (of)-Gi wVK c‡iB e¨eüZ nIqvq Zv gerund form wn‡m‡e taking care of n‡q‡Q)
x) She unnecessarily looked outside with a view to turning a deaf ear to my advice. (GLv‡b sentence wUi verb n‡Q looked. Avgiv Rvwb, turn a deaf ear to GB phrase-wU verbal phrase nIqv m‡Ë¡I prepositional phrase (with a view to)-Gi wVK c‡iB e¨eüZ nIqvq Zv gerund form wn‡m‡e turning a deaf ear to n‡q‡Q)
4. Adverbial Phrase: G phrase-wU †Kvb sentence-Gi verb, adjective, adverb, sentence-Gi Askwe‡kl wKsev mgMÖ sentence-wU‡K modify (we‡kwlZ Kiv) K‡i A_©vr G‡`i m¤ú©‡K AwZwi³ Z_¨ Ávcb K‡i adverb-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i _v‡K| ‡hgb
i) Jahir ran with great speed. (GLv‡b “with great speed” GwU MVbMZfv‡e prepositional phrase n‡jI “ran” verbwU‡K modify Kivq Zv adverbial phrase wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q)
ii) Nasima answered the question in a very rude manner. (GLv‡b “in a very rude manner” GwU MVbMZfv‡e prepositional phrase n‡jI “answered” verb-wU‡K modify Kivq Zv adverbial phrase wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q)
iii) You can purchase this book in all places. (GLv‡b “in all places” GwU MVbMZfv‡e prepositional phrase n‡jI “You can purchase this book” GB sentence-wU‡K modify Kivq Zv adverbial phrase wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q)
iv) Such type of disease was not known in those days. (GLv‡b “in those days” GwU MVbMZfv‡e prepositional phrase n‡jI „was not known‟ verb-wU‡K modify Kivq Zv adverbial phrase wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q)
v) The student tried hard and soul to get A+. (GLv‡b “hard and soul” GB phrase-wU “tried” verb-wU‡K modify Kivq Zv adverbial phrase wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q; Avevi “to get A+” GB phrase-wU “The student tried hard and soul” GB sentence-wU‡K modify Kivq Zv adverbial phrase wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q)
5. Prepositional Phrase: G phrase-wU †Kvb sentence-Gi noun, pronoun wKsev noun phrase-Gi c~‡e© e‡m prepositional phrase-Gi c~‡e©i I c‡ii AskwUi mv‡_ GKwU m¤úK© •Zwi K‡i preposition-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i _v‡K| Prepositional phrase-¸‡jv n‡Q on account of, because of, due to, owing to, along with, by means of, by dint of, for the sake of, in case of, with a view to, instead of, inspite of, in lieu of, in front of, in the eye of BZ¨vw`| D‡jL¨ †h, prepositional phrase-G Aek¨B GK ev GKvwaK preposition _v‡K| ‡hgb
i) Jannat was absent on account of her illness. (GLv‡b “on account of” GB phrase-wU noun phrase (her illness)-Gi c~‡e© e‡m preposition-Gi g‡Zv KvR Kivq Zv prepositional phrase n‡q‡Q)
ii) Nadia succeeded by virtue of her merit. (GLv‡b “by virtue of” GB phrase-wU noun phrase (her merit) Gi c~‡e© e‡m preposition-Gi g‡Zv KvR Kivq Zv prepositional phrase n‡q‡Q)
iii) There stood a man in front of the coaching centre. (GLv‡b “in front of” GB phrase-wU noun phrase (the coaching centre)-Gi c~‡e© e‡m preposition-Gi g‡Zv KvR Kivq Zv prepositional phrase n‡q‡Q)
iv) Zahin along with his friends and relatives was going to the party. (GLv‡b “along with” GB phrase-wU noun phrase (his friends and relatives)-Gi c~‡e© e‡m preposition-Gi g‡Zv KvR Kivq Zv prepositional phrase n‡q‡Q)
v) I have done everything for the sake of you. (GLv‡b “for the sake of” GB phrase-wU pronoun (you)-Gi c~‡e© e‡m preposition-Gi g‡Zv KvR Kivq Zv prepositional phrase n‡q‡Q)
6. Conjunctional Phrase: G phrase-wU †Kvb sentence-Gi `ywU noun, pronoun, phrase wKsev clause-‡K hy³ K‡i conjunction-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i _v‡K| Conjunctional phrase-¸‡jv n‡Q as well as, as much as, as soon as, as early as, as though, as if, as long as, so long, in case, so that, in order that, so.......that, both.......and, either......or, neither.......nor, not only........but also, no sooner......than, hardly......when, scarcely........when BZ¨vw`| ‡hgb
i) Jinnia worked as long as she could. (GLv‡b “as long as” GB phrase-wU “Jinnia worked” Ges “she could” GB `ywU clause-†K hy³ K‡i conjunction-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i‡Q)
ii) Nindita is not only a good student but also an adroit cricketer. (GLv‡b “not only....but also” GB phrase-wU “a good student” Ges “an adroit cricketer” GB `ywU noun phrase-†K hy³ K‡i conjunction-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i‡Q)
iii) In case you fail, I will try it myself. (GLv‡b “In case” GB phrase-wU “you fail” Ges “I will try it myself” GB `ywU clause-†K hy³ K‡i conjunction-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i‡Q)
iv) Jiku as well as Jhontu is very meritorious. (GLv‡b “as well as” GB phrase-wU “Jiku” Ges “Jhontu” GB `ywU noun-†K hy³ K‡i conjunction-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i‡Q)
v) He talks as if he were mad. (GLv‡b “as if” GB phrase-wU “He talks” Ges “he were mad” GB `ywU clause †K hy³ K‡i conjunction-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i‡Q)
vi) No sooner had we got to the station than the train left. (GLv‡b “No sooner......than” GB phrase-wU “had we got to the station” Ges “the train left” GB `ywU clause-†K hy³ K‡i conjunction-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i‡Q)
vii) As soon as the teacher entered the class, all students stood up. (GLv‡b “as soon as” GB phrase-wU “the teacher entered the class” Ges “all students stood up” GB `ywU clause-†K hy³ K‡i conjunction-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i‡Q)
7. Interjectional Phrase: G phrase-wU †Kvb sentence-G e¨eüZ n‡q Avgv‡`i Av‡eM-Abyf~wZ cÖKv‡ki gva¨‡g interjection-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i _v‡K| Interjectional phrase-¸‡jv n‡Q Oh my God!, What a pity!, O my love!, Oh dear me!, good morning!, good evening!, How excellent! By jove!, Good gracious!, Good heavens!, For Heaven‟s sake BZ¨vw`| GB phrase-wU mvavibZ exclamatory sentence •Zwi‡Z e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb
i) Good morning! how do you do? (GLv‡b “Good morning” GB phrase-wU fvev‡eM cÖKvk K‡i interjection Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i‡Q)
ii) Oh my God! It is a large snake. (GLv‡b “Oh my God!” GB phrase-wU fvev‡eM cÖKvk K‡i interjection-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i‡Q)
iii) O my love! This palace is for you. (GLv‡b “O my love” GB phrase-wU fvev‡eM cÖKvk K‡i interjection-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i‡Q)
8. Infinitive Phrase: G phrase-wU “to+verb-Gi base form+cÖvmw½K kãw`‡q MwVZ nq| G phrase-wU mvavibZ noun phrase, adjective phrase Ges adverbial phrase wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| GB phrase-wUi ïi‚‡Z to bv _vK‡j Zv‡K bare infinitive phrase e‡j hv‡K passive Ki‡Z to e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgb
i) To tell a lie is a great sin. (GLv‡b “to tell a lie” GB infinitive phrase-wU D³ sentence-wUi subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nIqvq Zv noun phrase-Gi KvR Ki‡Q)
ii) The intention to tell a lie should be given up. (GLv‡b “to tell a lie” GB infinitive phrase-wU subject (The intention)-‡K qualify Kivq Zv adjective phrase-Gi KvR Ki‡Q)
iii) The man showed lame excuse to tell a lie. (GLv‡b “to tell a lie” GB infinitive phrase-wU mgMÖ sentence (The man showed lame excuse)-wU‡K modify Kivq Zv adverbial phrase-Gi KvR Ki‡Q)
iv) His father told him to help the poor. (GLv‡b “to help the poor” GB infinitive phrase-wU D³ sentence wUi object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nIqvq Zv noun phrase-Gi KvR Ki‡Q)
v) It was an effective program to help the poor. (GLv‡b “to help the poor” GB infinitive phrase-wU complement (an effective program)-‡K qualify Kivq Zv adjective phrase-Gi KvR Ki‡Q)
vi) Some benevolent political leaders went there to help the poor. (GLv‡b “to help the poor” GB infinitive phrase-wU mgMÖ sentence (Some benevolent political leaders went there)-wU‡K modify Kivq Zv adverbial phrase-Gi KvR Ki‡Q)
vii) She made him do the work. (GLv‡b “do the work” GB bare infinitive phrase-wU mgMÖ sentence (She made me)-wU‡K modify Kivq Zv adverbial phrase-Gi KvR Ki‡Q)
9. Participle Phrase: Participle phrase wZb cÖKvi| h_vt- a) present participle phrase, b) past participle phrase Ges c) perfect participle phrase. cÖ‡Z¨K cÖKvi participle phrase-B adjective wKsev adverb-Gi KvR K‡i|
a) Present participle phrase: G phrase-wU “verb+ing+cÖvmw½K kãw`‡q MwVZ nq| ‡Kvb KvR Pjgvb eySv‡j wKsev ¯^vfvweKfv‡e nq eySv‡j present participle phrase e¨eüZ nq| GB phrase-wU continuous tense-Gi weKí wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb
i) I saw the man going to market. (GLv‡b “going to market” GB present participle phrase-wU sentence-Gi object (the man)-‡K qualify Kivq Zv adjective phrase wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q)
ii) The woman sleeping on the floor is suffering from a cronic disease. (GLv‡b “sleeping on the floor” GB present participle phrase-wU sentence-Gi subject (The woman)-‡K qualify Kivq Zv adjective phrase wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q)
iii) Our age passing with time never comes back. (GLv‡b “passing with time” GB present participle phrase-wU sentence-Gi subject (Our age)-‡K qualify Kivq Zv adjective phrase wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q)
b) Past participle phrase: G phrase-wU “verb-Gi past participle form+(by/in/...)+cÖvmw½K kãw`‡q MwVZ nq| c~‡e© msNwUZ nIqv ‡Kvb KvR eySv‡Z past participle phrase e¨eüZ nq| GB phrase-wU passive voice-Gi weKí wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb
i) I have purchased a mobile made in China. (GLv‡b “made in ChinaGB past participle phrase-wU sentence- Gi object (a mobile)-‡K qualify Kivq Zv adjective phrase wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q)
ii) The letter signed by the Director has been sent. (GLv‡b “signed by the Director” GB past participle phrase-wU sentence-Gi subject (The letter)-‡K qualify Kivq Zv adjective phrase wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q)
iii) The device made of plastic does not last long. (GLv‡b “made of plastic” GB past participle phrase-wU sentence-Gi subject (The device)-‡K qualify Kivq Zv adjective phrase wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q)
c) Perfect participle phrase: G phrase-wU “having+(been)+verb-Gi past participle form+cÖvmw½K kãw`‡q MwVZ nq| c~‡e© msNwUZ nIqv `ywU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ †h KvRwU cÖg n‡q‡Q †mwU‡K eySv‡Z perfect participle phrase e¨eüZ nq| GB phrase-wU past perfect tense-Gi weKí wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| D‡jL¨ †h, passive voice-Gi A_© eySv‡Z having-Gi c‡i been emv‡Z nq| ‡hgb
i) Having defeated the enemies, the Captain sent them to prison. (GLv‡b “Having defeated the enemies” GB perfect participle phrase-wU mgMÖ sentence (the Captain sent them to prison)-wU‡K modify Kivq Zv adverbial phrase wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q)
ii) Having solved the problem first, Mr. Victor submitted the report. (GLv‡b “Having solved the problem first” GB perfect participle phrase-wU mgMÖ sentence (Mr. Victor submitted the report)-wU‡K modify Kivq Zv adverbial phrase wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q)
iii) The player having been knocked out went back to his own country. (GLv‡b “having been knocked out” GB perfect participle phrase-wU mgMÖ sentence (The player went back to his own country)-wU‡K modify Kivq Zv adverbial phrase wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q)
iv) Having rested, the people continued their journey and others did not. (GLv‡b “Having rested” GB perfect participle phrase-wU sentence-Gi subject (the people)-‡K qualify Kivq Zv adjective phrase wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q)

Verbal Phrases:
Beggar description - eY©bvZxZ = The suffering of the poor beggars description.
Bring to light - cÖKvk Kiv = The fact at last was brought to light.
Bring to book - kvw¯Í †`qv = The boy should be brought to book for his misconduct.
Call up / Call to mind - ¯§iY Kiv = The teacher could not call up / call to mind the boy’s name.
Catch red-handed - nv‡Z bv‡Z aiv = The thief was caught red-handed.
Come to light - cÖKvwkZ nIqv = The top secret at last came to light.
Commit to memory - gyL¯Í Kiv = He committed the poem to memory.
Curry favour - ‡Zvlv‡gv` K‡i wcÖq nIqv = He knows better how to curry favour with his boss.
Cut a sorry figure - Lvivc dj Kiv = Tanti cut a sorry figure in the last examination.
Cut a good/brilliant figure - fv‡jv dj Kiv = Trisha cut a good figure in the examination.
Cut to the quick - gg©vnZ nIqv = The old man was cut to the quick by his rough words.
Die in harness - Kg©iZ Ae¯’vq gviv hvIqv = Zamir died in harness.
End in smoke - e¨_© nIqv = All his ambitious plans ended in smoke at the sudden death of his father.
Fall flat - djcÖm~ bv nIqv = The teacher‟s advice fell falt on the student.
Fight shy of - Gwo‡q Pjv = She always fights shy of her teachers.
Get by heart – gyL¯’ Kiv = Everyday he gets a poem by heart.
Get rid of - gyw³ cvIqv = The man tried to get rid of his friend’s company.
Get away with - cjvqb Kiv = Never get away with your bosoms.
Give vent to - cÖKvk Kiv = She has already given vent to her ideas.
Go to the dogs - ‡Mvjvq hvIqv = A student goes to the dogs when he mixes with bad boys.
Go to the wall - e¨_© nIqv = If you try sincerely, you will not go to the wall.
Hold water - Kvh©Kvix nIqv = This policy will not hold water in this situation.
Hold good - cÖhy³ nIqv = The new rule will not hold good here.
Keep pace with - Zvj wgwj‡q Pjv = She being very aged cannot keep pace with the modern world.
Keep an eye - `„wó ivLv = You should keep an eye to his movement.
Keep word – cÖwZkÖ“wZ i¶v Kiv = He believes in keeping word.
Know no bounds - mxgvbv bv _vKv = The kindness of Hazi Mohammad Mohsin knew no bounds.
Knock at the door – mwbœK‡U Avmv = His examination is knocking at the door.
Lead a dog and cat life - KjniZ Rxeb-hvcb Kiv = Many neighbours lead a dog and cat life.
Learn by heart – gyL¯’ Kiv = The poem has already been learnt by heart.
Make both ends meet - Dfq Kzj i¶v Kiv = He cannot make both ends meet with his small income.
Move heaven and earth - h_vmva¨ †Póv Kiv = She will move heaven and earth to manage him a job.
Nip in the bud - A¼z‡i webó Kiv = His hope to be a judge was nipped in the bud at his father‟s death.
Pull well with - m™¢ve ivLv = Everybody should pull well with his neighbours.
Put down - ‡jLv = Everything important in the class ought to be put down carefully for better learning.
Put off - Ly‡j †djv/ev` †`qv = Pias always puts off his shoes when he enters his reading room.
Put on - cwiavb Kiv = Sheela never puts on this type of loose dress.
Put out - wbfv‡bv = Please put out the lamp now.
Read between the lines - Zvrch© †evSv = Always try to read between the lines of the given passage.
Run short - dzwi‡q hvIqv = The fund at last ran short.
Rule out - ev` †`qv = The committee has not ruled out of its old idea.
Set free - gy³ Kiv = According to the Captain‟s consent, the prisoners were set free yesterday.
Skim through - fvmv fvmv cov = Most often many novels are skimmed through.
Steer clear of - Gwo‡q Pjv = Nisha always steers clear of naughty friends.
Take to heart - gg©vnZ nIqv = The clerk took the chairman‟s remark to heart.
Take to one’s heels - Qy‡U cvjv‡bv = Seeing the police, the snatchers have taken to their heels.
Take one to task - wZi®‹vi Kiv = The teacher took the boy to task for his negligence of duty.
Turn over a new leaf - bZz‡bi m~Pbv Kiv = The student has turned over a new leaf after his failure.
Turn a deaf ear to - KY©cvZ bv Kiv = The lady turned a deaf ear to my word.
Some important phrase and idioms

Phrases/ Idioms
All on sudden
All on sudden it began to rain.
Take off
Ly‡j †djv
Take off your shose when you enter a school.
Part and parcel
Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask
A library is part and parcel of a school.
Well up
A man is well up in English
End in smoke
wbùj nIqv
All his attempts end in smoke
In a body
At the students came to the headmaster in a body.
Pick a quarrel
Mv‡q c‡q SMov Kiv
Don’t pick a quarrel with others
Crying need
¸i“Zi cÖ‡qvRb
English learning is a crying need for everybody
In the guies of
He came in the guies of a beggar.
Came round
my&¯’ nIqv
He fell ill but came round soon.
Out and out
He is out and out a gentel man.
Likely to
Lye m¤¢e
He is likely to fall in danger.
Good at
He is good at Mathematics.
On the verge
He is on the verge of ruin.
Goes through
fv‡jvfv‡e cov
He never goes through his textbook.
as though
He speaks as though he were mad.
By dint of
He sttod first by dint of hard labour.
As if
He talks as if he were mad.
Cut short
AKvj g„Zz¨ NUv
Her life was cut short by an accident.
On the wane
His popularrity is on the wane.
Hue and cry
I rushed to the spot hearning a hue and cry.
All the same
GKB e¨vcv‡i
It is all the same to me wheather you agree to my proposal or not
In liew of
Liza took Biology in liew of Elective math.
For nothing
Meena quarrelled with me for nothing.
Conducive to
Morning walk is conducive to health.
Died by
‡Kv‡bv Kvi‡Y giv
My father died by accident yesterday.
Takes after
Abyiƒc nIqv
Pipa takes after her mother.
In store for
fv‡M¨ wK Av‡Q
Only Allah knows what is in store for me.
Part and parcel
Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask
Physical exercise is the part and parcel of education.
Call in
‡W‡K Avbv
Please call in doctor.
Play truant
¯‹zj cvjv‡bv
Some students play truant and do badly in their exam.
To the backbone
The boy is wicked to the backbone.
All in all
The headmaster is all in all of the school.
Begger description
The miserise of the flood affected people are begger description.
at length
The secretary of the forum discussed the problems at length.
Hard and fast
There is no hard and fast rule in this case.
Came to term
wggvsmvq †cŠQv‡bv
They came to term after lonf discussion.
Carry on
Pvwj‡h hvIqv
They carry on their business even after incuring loss.
Dead letter
This custom is how dead letter.
Holds good
Dchy³ nIqv
This example holds good in your case.
In vouge
This fashion is no more in vogue.
In a body
We supported him in a body.
Eat humble pie
‡LmviZ †`Iqv
You have to eat humble pie for your misconduct.
Go ahead
GwM‡q hvIqv
You should have determination to go ahead with our walk.
By the by
By the by I shall narrate the story in brief.
Apart from
Apart from books and pens a students needs many other things.
By the way
fv‡jv K_v
By the way did you attend the English class yesterday?
Summer friends
mymg‡qi eÜy
Summer friends do not come during evil days.
As soon as
As soon as she heard the noise she looked out of the window.
Put out
wbwf‡q †djv
Put out the lamp.
Put on
cwiavb Kiv
Put on your fine clothes.
Ten to one
‡ewkifvM m¤¢vebv
Ten to one he will be late.
Of course
Of course I will help you.
Slow coach
Ajm e¨w³
A slow coach like Jumur cannot do it within this time.
Bids fair
m¤¢vebv Av‡Q Ggb
A good boy bids fair to success.
At large
Birds fly at large in the sky.
Find fault with
‡`vl †LvRv
Do not find fault with others.
Put off
‡d‡j ivLv
Don’t put off you work for tmorrow.
Ups and downs
DÌvb cZb
Everybody has ups and downs in life.
Maiden speech
cÖ_g e³…Zv
Everybody was charmed at his maiden speech.
Gets up
Nyg †_‡K DVv
He gets up at 6 am everyday.
Ran the risk of
SzwKi g‡a¨ _vKv
He ran the risk of losing his job.
By means of
He became rich by means of hard work.
On foot
cv‡q †nu‡U
He came on foot.
On the sly
He cats a glance at the girl on the sly.
Well to do
He comes of a well to do family.
On the instant
He did it on the instant.
At first sight
cÖ_g †`Lvq
He fell in love with the girl at first sight.
Art and part
He has no art ans part in my scheme of founding a hospital.
A narraw escape
A‡íi Rb¨ i¶v cvIqv
He has a narraw escape from being run over by a car.
On one else
Ab¨ †KD bq
He is on one else than rashed.
Engaged in
He is engaged in the working of teaching.
Over and above
He is honest over and above.
By all means
me© kw³ w`‡q
He tried to help me by all means.
In view of
He was pardoned in view of his age.
With a view to
He went to the hospital with a view to seeing his ailing friends.
Before long
He will arrive before long.
In on time
He will come back in on time.
At all costs
‡h †Kvb g~‡j¨
He will do this at all costs.
Took upon
we‡kl `„wó‡Z †`Lv
I took upon you as my elder sister.
Caught sigh of
‡`L‡Z cvIqv
I caught sigh of him at the theatre.
At a loss
I am at a loss to decide what to do.
Because of
I could not attend school because of illness.
Hard cash
bM` A‡_©
 I don’t have enough hard case I can give you a cheque.
From time to time
mg‡q mg‡q
I get up at six in the morning from time to time.
A lot of
I haven’t got a lot of time.
By on means
‡Kv‡bv cÖKv‡iB bq
I shall by on means allow you to do this.
Leave off
I want you to leave off whistling like that.
All along
I was with my mother all along.
In plenty
cÖPzi cwigv‡b
Mangoes grow in plenty in Rajshahi.
Looks upon
g‡b Kiv
My aunt looks upon me as her own son.
Stone’s throw.
Aí `~i‡Z¡
My school is at a stone’s throw from my residence.
First water
Nowsin is a painter of the first water.
All the rest
evKx me
Only hasan and kamal will flollow I all the rest will stay at ome.
In full swing
Our classes are going on in full swing.
Tell upon
¶wZ Kiv
Overwork will tell upon your health.
Bone of contention
welv‡`i welq
Paternal prperty is the bone of contention between the two brothers.
Cut short
msw¶ß Kiv
Please cut short of your lecture.
Take away
wb‡q hvIqv
Please take away those dirty dishes.
Golden age
‡mvbvjx hyM
Queen Elizabeth’s period is called the golden age of English literature.
Above all
Rabindranath Tagore was a philosopher, educationalish and above all a great poet.
Kith and kin
AvZœxq ¯^Rb
Hasan has no kith and kin in the city.
Caught sight of
‡`L‡Z cvIqv
Runa caught sight of Hazrat in a coaching center.
Got into
mgm¨vq Rwo‡q cov
Samad got into trouble with the police.
By fits and starts
She studies by fits and starts.
Yeoman’s service
gnr Kg©
Sher-E-Bangla did yeoman’s service for education.
Gift of the gab
Sher-E-Bangla was a gift of the gab.
At home
He is at home English.
Rag day
wk¶v mgvcbx w`em
Students enjoy the rag day every year.
For good
Taslima Nasrinn left the country for good.
At sixes and servents
The books were at sixes and sevens on the table.
Came across
nVvr mv¶vZ cvIqv
The boy came across a beggar while coming to school.
On account of
The boy could not attend school on account of illness.
All day long
The childern were wating for their mother all day long.
Worthy of
The courage of the man is worthy of praise.
Red letter day
¯§ibxq w`b
The independence Day is a red letter day.
Know no bounds
mxgv bv _vKv
The joys of his father know no bounds at his success.
Blue blood
The man is proud of his blue blood.
Comes into force
Kvh©Kix nIqv
The ordinance comes into force.
Live on
‡L‡q evuPv
The people of Bangladesh live on rice.
Fell flat
e¨_© nIqv
The plan fell flat for want of money.
Got in
The plane got in five minutes late.
Absorbed in
wbgMœ _vKv
The prophet remained absorbed in meditation in the cave of Hera.
Came to terms
wggvskvq †cuŠQv‡bv
The quarrelling brothers came to terms at last.
Bag and baggage
The students left the hostel bag and baggage.
Horns of a dilemma
Dfq msKU
The sudden death of this mother has left him on the horns of a dilemma.
At daggers drawn
The two brothers were at daggers drawn.
Cut off
wew”Qbœ nIqv
The village is cut off from the town.
Bad blood
There is bad blood between the two neighbours.
In front of
There is garden in fornt of my house.
Hue and cry
They rasied a hue and cry at the sight of the tiger.
In quest of
They went out in quest of food.
Keep pace with
Zvj wgwj‡q Pjv
Try to keep pace with the changing world.
Step by step
Try to advance step to step.
Went acrose
AwZµg Kiv
We went acrose the river Barnar by boat.
Going away
‡Kv_vq P‡j hvIqv
We are going away for a few days.
At length
We discussed the problems at length.
Once and for all
We need to settle this dispute once and for all.
In quest of
We should go far and wide in quest of knowledge.
To the end
‡kl ch©š—
We fill fight to the end.
In case of
hw` Ggb N‡U
What will you do in case of failure?
To and fro
Gw`K †mw`K
Why is she running to and fro?
Pros and cons
LywUbvwU me
Your must know the pros and cons of the matter.
Cut out
Z¨vM Kiv
You should cut out smoking.
Looks for
‡LvR Kiv
I am looking for you.
At a loss
I am at a loss what to do.
Break down
‡f‡½ cov
He broke down when he heard the news.
Come round
Av‡ivM¨ jvf Kiv
The patient will come round soon.
In a nutshell
He told the story in a nutshell.
In black and white
I informed him in black and white.
Make out
eyS‡Z cviv
I cannot make out what you say.


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Narration For HSC Students

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