Class eight

Knowledge Park
Model Question- 1
English Second Paper
Class - Eight
Total Marks- 50                                                                                                 Times: 1.30 Min.
Part A: Grammar (30marks)
1.      Insert articles in the blanks where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed.                                                                                                                            3
(a)    A computer is ___ ultra modern invention.
(b)   The earth is ____ planet.
(c)    Patriotism is a noble ___ virtue.
2.      Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition.                                                                 3
(a)    Bangladesh is rich ___ natural gas.
(b)   Beware ___ thieves.
(c)    Butter is made ___ milk.
3.      Read the following table and make four sentences.                                                      4

a window opener for his student.
Alexander  the great
a great teacher.
A teacher
his student.
the nation builder.

4.      Transform the following sentence as direct.                                                                   5
(a)    Gold is one of the most precious metals. (Positive)
(b)   Only Allah can save us. (Negative)
(c)    There is no use of this book. (Interrogative)
(d)   English is spoken all over the world. (Active)
(e)    Akbar was one of the greatest kings of this sub continent. (Comparative)
5.      Re-write the following sentence in the reported speech.                                               4
(a)     The boy said, “I have done the work.”
(b)    The teacher said to the students, “Always speak the truth.”
(c)     He said to me, “Have you eaten rice?”
(d)    Hasan asked me what my name was.
6.      Add suitable suffixes or prefixes to the words and make new words.               4
(a)    Legal = -------------------
(b)   Honest = -----------------
(c)    Boy = -------------------
(d)   Happy = ----------------
7.      Read the following passage and punctuate where necessary.                           3
newspaper contains news and views of life social and economics literary and cultured national and international political and religious daily newspaper contains features of various sports including science fiction.
8.      Fill in the gaps with right from of verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negative where necessary.                                                                                                4

(a)     Zahir’s income ------- shrunk to twenty dollars.
(b)    If I see him, I ------- him the matter.
(c)     I wish I ------.
(d)    He tells the matter as if he  ---- it.

Part B: Composition (20 marks)
9.      Write a letter to your friend telling him/her what you intend to do after the J.S.C examination.                                                                                                                  8
10.  Write a short composition about “Science in everyday life.”                                            12


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