Model test

b‡jR cvK©
g‡Wj †U÷ - 1
‡kªwY - beg
mgq - 3N›Uv                                                                                        c~b©gvb -100
mvaviY MwYZ 40
†h †Kvb `yBwU cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI|
1.       †Kvb mgvš—i avivi  Zg c`  Ges  Zg c`  n‡j-
(K) avivwUi cÖ_g  Zg c` I cÖ_g  c‡`i mgwói m~&&ÎwU wjL|
(L) avivwUi  Zg c` wbb©q Ki|
(M) hw`  c‡`i mgwó  Ges  c‡`i mgwó  nq| Z‡e  c‡`i mgwó KZ?
2. GKwU avivfy³ n‡j-
(K) avivwUi mvaviY Aš—i KZ?
(L) avivwUi  msL¨K c‡`i mgwó  n‡j  Gi gvb KZ?
(M) †Kv‡bv mgvš—i avivi  Zg c`  n‡j avivwUi  c‡`i mgwó KZ?
3. avivwUi †kl c`
(K) mvš—aviv Kv‡K e‡j?
(L) avivwUi c`msL¨v wbb©q Ki|
(M) avivwUi mgwó wbb©q Ki|
†h †Kvb `yBwU cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI|
4.  n‡j-
(K)  Gi gvb KZ?
(L) cÖgvY Ki †h |
(M) †`LvI †h, |
5.    Ges  nq
(K)   cÖgvY Ki|
(L) †`LvI †h, |
(M)  Gi gvb wbb©q Ki|
6.  n‡j,
Knowledge Park
Model test – 1
Class - Ten
Times- 3 hours                                                                Total Marks - 100

English -50
1. Add tag question.                                                                                    10
a)      It does not snow in winter in Dhaka, ______?
b)      I am late for home, _______?
c)      Let us go out for a walk, _______?
d)      Everybody knows it, __________?
e)      Don't forget me, ­­­­­­­­­­­­­________ ?
f)        Students mustn't cheat in exams, _____?
g)      You won't be able to eat all that quantity of food, _____?
h)      They are playing hide and seek, _____?
i)        My brother is studying English at the moment, _____?
j)        You must ask a doctor before taking any medicaments, _____?
2.      Completing these sentences.                                                                11
a)      He is so weak that ___________.
b)      Though he is rich___________.
c)      I am sure that___________.
d)      Walk fast lest___________.
e)      ___________ or you will miss the train.
f)        You must walk fast lest—.
g)      Hardly had I seen the thief—.
h)      It is I who_______.
i)        If I won a four lakh taka a lottery ______.
j)        Wait here till ________.
3. Write a paragraph about “Tree Plantion”.                                    10
4. Write a Composition about “Population Problem in Bangladesh”.        15.
5.   Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.                                           5
A good student is fond (a)-----books. He adheres (b)------his studies. He always tries to cut a brilliant figure (c)------the examination. He never deviates (d)-------his duties because success depends (e)------hard work.


(K) Gi gvb KZ?
(L)  KZ?
(M)   Gi gvb wbb©q Ki|
English -60
1. Add tag question.                                                                                     10
a)      You don't like playing with animals, _____?
b)      The weather is quite warm today, _____?
c)      Birds can't swim,_____?
d)      You went to the movies alone last night, _____?
e)      The coffee you are drinking is very bitter, _____?
f)        Your girlfriend sent a letter of apology, _____?
g)      The teacher hasn't finished explaining the lesson yet, _____?
h)      You won't leave before finishing your work, _____?
i)        Your grandmother on your father's side is still alive, _____?
j)        My grandfather enjoys watching the TVprograms that I hate, _____?
3.      Completing these sentences.                                                                     11
a)      Walk fast lest_________.
b)      Unless you work hard________.
c)      If I were a king, ______.
d)      Though Bangladesh is a small country, ______.
e)      It is I who _____.
f)        All that glitters ______.
g)      __________ when Bangladesh became independent.
h)      I am sure that ______.
i)        It is long time _____.
j)        Hardly had I seen the thief_____.
k)      Wait here —.
3. Write a paragraph about “A book fair I visited”.                                     12
4. Write a Composition about “Computer”.                                                  15. 5. Write a dialogue between you and your friend Kamal about benefits of reading newspaper.                                                                                         12

Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is needed.
Hamlet, (a) _____ living person, was (b) _____ prince   of Denmark. He was (c) _____ greatly shocked when his father was murdered and his mother hastily married his uncle clouds, who become (d) _____ King of Denmark. He expressed his grief by saying that even (e) _____ animal of two reasons would have mourned longer. He grieved over these (f) _____ sad events day after day. (g) _____ dreadful suspicion filled his mind. He had been told that while his father was sleeping in his garden he had from (h) _____ bite of (i) ______Snake was (j) _____ Claudius.

mvaviY MwYZ 50
1.       †h †Kvb wZbwU cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI|                                                                      15
(K)  n‡j †`LvI †h, |
(L)  n‡j,  Gi gvb KZ?
(M)  Ges  n‡j, cÖgvb Ki †h,
(N)  n‡j, cÖgvY Ki †h, |
2.mgvavb Ki (†h †Kvb `yBvU) |                                                                            10
(K)     (L)    (M)
3. ‡h †Kvb `yBwU cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI|                                                                    10
(K) †Kvb mgvš—i avivi  Zg c`  Ges  Zg c`  n‡j, avivwUi  Zg c` wbb©q Ki|
(L) †Kv‡bv mgvš—i avivi  Zg c`  n‡j avivwUi  c‡`i mgwó KZ?
(M) KZ?
4. cÖgvY Ki †h,  GKwU Ag~j` msL¨v|                                                           5
5. †h †Kvb `yBwU cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI|                                                                    10
(K) e„‡Ëi †K›`ª n‡Z mg`~ieZx© mKj R¨v ci¯úi mgvb|
(L) e„‡Ëi †h †Kvb weš`y‡Z Aw¼Z ¯úk©K ¯úk©we›`yMvgx e¨vmv‡a©i Ici j¤^|
(M) `yBwU e„Ë ci¯úi ¯úk© Ki‡j Zv‡`i †K›`ªØq I ¯úk© we›`y mg‡iL n‡e|


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