HSC model test first paper

Model Test – R
English first paper
Total marks -100                                                                   Times: 2.50 min
Part A: Seen Comprehension (40 Marks)
Read the passage below and answer questions 1-4:
His name was Jerry; he had been at the orphanage since he was four. I could picture him at four, with thesame grave grey-blue eyes and the same independence? No, the word that comes to me is “integrity”. It isembedded on courage, but it is more than brave. It is honest, but it is more than honesty.The axe handle broke one day. Jerry said the orphanage wood shop would repair it. I brought money to pay for the job and he refused it. “Ill pay for it,” he said, “I brought the axe down careless.” “But no one hits accurately every time,” I told him. “The fault was in the handle.” “It was only then that he would take the money. He was standing back of his own carelessness. He was a freewill agent and he chose to do careful work; and if he failed, he took the responsibility without subterfuge. And he did for me the unnecessary thing, the gracious thing that we find done only by the great of heart. Things no training can teach, for they are done on the instant, with no predicated experience. He found a cubby-hole beside the fireplace that I had not noticed. There, of his own accord, he put wood, so that I might always have dry fire material ready in case of sudden wet weather. A stone was loose in the rough walk to the cabin. He dug a deeper hole and steadied it, although he came, himself, by a shortcut over the bank.
1. Choose the right word to complete each sentence.                                   1 x 5 = 5
(a) Jerrys sense of (duty/courtesy/integrity) impressed the authoress.
(b) Jerry wanted to get the axe-handle (repair/repaired/repairing).
(c) Jerrys courtesy was (formal/artificial/inborn).
(d) Jerry came to the orphanage at the age of (eight/four/twelve).
(e) The phrase „of his own accord means (willingly/at random/freely).
2. True/False? If false, give the correct information.                                   1 x 5 = 5
(a) Jerry steadied the loose stone for his own use.
(b) Jerry had been at the orphanage for four years.
(c) The axe-handle broke because Jerry brought the axe down careless.
(d) Integrity is embedded on courage.
(e) Jerry did for me the necessary things.
3. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets. Add any preposition if necessary.                                                                               5
(a) Jerry (be) —— at the orphanage since he was four.
(b) He took the (responsible) —— breaking the axe-handle.
(c) He chose to do work (careful) ——.
(d) He was an orphan boy (live) —— the orphanage.
(e) (Dig) —— a deeper hole, Jerry steadied a loose stone.
4. Make a list of five points describing Jerry’s character.               1 x 5 = 5
Read the passage below and answer questions 5-8:
Television has become the most common and widespread source of entertainment of the present world. A wide range of programmes of varied interest is telecast on numerous channels. Almost every middle class and even working class families have a television set today. Television programmes are not only entertaining; they can be highly educative too. For example, television is used for distance learning. Courses run by the Open University are shown on BTV. Several channels like the Discovery Channel and the National Geographic Channel telecast highly informative programmes. Watching TV, however, has become an addiction for many. Satellite telecasting has added new dimensions to television but it has sometimes been branded as a cultural assault on developing nations. The East is being exposed more and more to Western music, entertainment and modes of life. As a result, young people‘s tastes are gradually being influenced by them.
5. Write short answers to the following questions.                            1 x 5 = 5
(a) Why is television so popular in the present world?
(b) What do numerous channels do?
(c) What is cultural assault?
(d) What are the good effects of television?
(e) How are the young people being influenced?
6. Fill in the gaps with suitable word/words.                                                 1 x 5 = 5
Television has become the most (a)---------- source of entertainment in the modern world. Almost every middle class family of Bangladesh (b)---------- a TV set. Television not only entertains (c)---------- but also educates them. Satellite channels of television have added a new (d)---------- in the field of entertainment. (e)---------- television has become an addiction for many.
7. Summarise the passage in five sentences.                                      1 x 5 = 5
8. Based on your reading of the passage, make short notes in each of the boxes in the flow chart showing the merits and demerits of watching television.  (No. 1 has been done for you) 1 x 5 = 5
Television has both good and bad sides

Part-B: Vocabulary (20 Marks)
9. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box (make any grammatical change if necessary). There are more words in the box than you need.     1x10=10

resources         potential           create     for     achievement    likely
fail                   have                 returns   from   among              success


Investment in education (a) —— girls increases the economic and social (b) —— of development investment in all other sectors. Educating girls contributes (c) —— wealth through its impact on economic development. Educated women have a higher income (d) —— than those who have (e) —— no schooling. Educated mothers are more (f) —— to send both their boys and girls to school. It is important to realise that (g) —— in girls education generally results (h) —— an integrated approach to community development. Thus (i) —— to educate girls results in a tremendous waste of potential human (j) ——.
10. Fifi in the gaps with an appropriate word in each gap.           1 x 10 = 10
Computer is one of the latest important and most (a)--------- inventions of science. A computer performs three important (b)---------. It receives data, processes data (c)--------- various computations and emits data. Computer now (d)---------- us in various ways. In a (e)--------- minutes a computer can perform calculations that trained mathematicians would need years to complete. Now computers are (f)--------- used in agricultural farms. Trains and planes are run by the (g)---------. (h)--------- results can be accurately given by computer within the shortest span of time. The computer has become very sophisticated and can perform (i)--------- complicated tasks. This is why many people call the computer ―an electronic (j)---------.
Part C: Guided Writing (40 Marks)
11. Match the phrases in the following substitution table to make sensible sentences. Write out the sentences in full.                                          2×6=12
(i)    Water
most of
our crops
(ii)    But it
bumper crops
(iii)  Moderate rainfall
do not get
essential for
water for irrigation
(iv)   Excessive rainfall
can be
the dire need of
in a proper way
(v)    Our farmers
and a curse
(vi)   They
both a blessing
our agriculture
12. The sentences in the following text are jumbled. Rewrite the sentences in the proper order and in a continuous paragraph to make a story. 14
(i) He made up his mind to step down the throne and divide his kingdom.
(ii) Goneril declared, “Sir, I love you more than I can say”.
(iii) But first, he wanted to know how much they loved him.
(iv) Lear was satisfied.
(v) He called for the map of his kingdom and drew his finger round one-third of it.
(vi) He was tired of ruling and needed rest.
(vii) Then it was the turn of Cordelia, the youngest and most loved daughter.
(viii) Lear was shocked and said, “Nothing will come of nothing”.
(ix) When asked, his second daughter Regan said, „My love for you shall never change.
(x) At first Lear asked his eldest daughter, “How much do you love me?”
(xi) He had three daughters Goneril, Regan and Cordelia.

(xii) Lear was pleased and gave her a third of his kingdom.
(xiii) When asked Cordelia said, “Nothing”.
(xiv) Long ago there was a mighty old king of England named Lear.

13. Write a paragraph of about 100 words based on the following questions. Your answers to the
questions should provide as much detail as possible. 14
(a) Where is Bangladesh located?
(b) When did she get her freedom?
(c) Where is the capital of Bangladesh?
(d) What are the different religions here?
(e) What are some of the customs and traditions that people follow here?


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