SSC English 2nd paper

Model test
English second paper
S.S.C Exam – 2014
 Total marks: 100                                                                     Time: 2.30 Min
1.      Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs from the list below.
Mobile phone is one of the wonder of modern science. It has (a) ____ a new dimension to our way of life and to the communication system. It is a telephone system that (b) ____ without any wire. Obviously, mobile telecommunication (c) ____ become a part of modern life. Nowadays, (d) ____ a mobile phone is not a luxury in this poor country like Bangladesh. People (e) ____ mobile phones to do rapid communication.  
2. Put in suitable preposition in the blanks.
Poverty was hindrance (a) _________ his success. It hindered him (b) _________ going abroad. But he did not lose heart. He was hopeful (c) __________ his success. He hit (d) ________ a plan. The plan worked well. He succeeded in his attempt. Foe this he was thankful (e) _________ Allah.
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed.
A library is (a) ___ part and parcel of (b) ____ education institution. It is (c) ___ unique place where books of different subjects are kept for (d) ____ reading. It enables (e) ___ readers to read books of their choice that create (f) ___ enthusiasm for learning. Students should pay (g) ___ visit to (h) ___ library regularly. They can borrow books for (i) ___ certain period and return them after (j) ___ given time.
4. Complete the following sentences with the suitable linking words from the list.                                                                                          
along with
Computer virus is terror to the user of computers. (a) ---- it is not biological virus. It disturbs the plain operation if a computer. Computer virus is usually a programme to delete the files which are saved (b) ----- useful memories. Sometimes the virus attacks the hard disk (c) ---- harms it. (d) ---- things happen (e) ------ no operation is possible after the attack.
5. Re-write the following passage in the indirect speech:
A fruit seller said, “Which fruits would you need? I have apple from Australia, oranges from Darjeeling, grapes from Kashmeer, etc.” The customer said, “What fruits do you have of our country?” The seller said, “Yes, I have coconut, guava, jackfruits, etc.” The customer said, “I want one kg of guava as it will be the substitute of Australian apple.”
6. Read the following sentence as directed in brackets.
(a) Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science (Positive). (b) A computer is a blessing on earth (Negative). (c) Though it is a blessing, it has dark sides (Simple). (d) Computers are nowadays being used in almost every sphere by the people (Active). (e) We cannot but depend on it (Affirmative).
7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions.                                 
(a)   He has not finished the work,——-?
(b)   Let’s have a walk, ——?
(c)   He passed M.A last year, ——?
(d)   Nobody likes him, —–?
(e)   Birds can fly,   —–?
8. Complete the following sentences.                                                                 
(a)   If you had studied hard, ___.
(b)   No sooner had the bell rung ___.
(c)   Unless you eat a balanced diet ___.
(d)   Walk slowly lest ___.
(e)   The students stood up after ___.
9.  Read the following story, which is not complete. Complete it giving a suitable title to it.
Once there lived a woodcutter. He was very poor but honest at heart. He lived on the bank of a river near a jungle. He used to cut wood…………….
10. Write a short composition within 250 words that tells about your childhood memories. Or Population problem in Bangladesh. 
11. Suppose, you are the students of Jhalakati Govt. School. You are aware of the necessity of learning English. Now, write an application to your principal to set up an English language club to develop skills in English language.
12.  Someone says, “Newspaper is the people’s parliament.’’ Write a dialogue between yourself and your friend, Sabrina, about the necessity of reading newspaper.
13. Write a paragraph about “A street Hawker”

Md. Abu Naser
B.A (Hons)
                                                            Mobile: 01912190673


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