HSC Second paper model test

English Second Paper
Part A—Grammar : Marks—40
[Answer any eight questions out of nine]
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tense. Use negatives where necessary.                                                 1×5=5
Human life (a) ———–not static but dynamic. A man cannot reach the highest peak of success if he (b) -— in extra co-curricular activities. Travelling is also an important part of co-curricular activities. It is travelling which (e)-our knowledge, experience and promotes our attitudes. Therefore, travelling (d)—–us with knowledge and practical experience. It can be clearly (e)—that our knowledge can be mobilized by travelling the different corners of the vast globe.
2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions.   5
Everyone desires (a) ————wealth. But a few attain it. Some people hanker (b) ———-riches. Some are content (c)——-what they have. True happiness lies (d) ——–contentment. It’s high time we gave (e)——-the habit of covetousness.
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) mark where an article is not needed:-      .5 xl0=5
(a) ———– 16th December is (b) ———-red letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this day, we achieved (c) ———- freedom at the cost of (d) ———- bloody battle and Bangladesh came into (e)———-being and made a place in (f)———-world map as (g) ———- independent country. Every year this day is celebrated in (h) ———- enthusiastic atmosphere. We remember (i) ———-great sacrifice of our heroic sons who died for this country. We also pay (j)———-great tribute to them.
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking word from the list.   1×5=5
(a) ———-taking food, we should bear in mind (b) ———-we do not eat just to satisfy hunger (c)———-to fill the belly. We eat to preserve our health. Some people (d) —— live in the midst of plenty, do not eat the food they need for good health (e)— they have no knowledge of the science of health and nutrition.
5. Make meaningful sentences with the following phrases and idioms, (any five)                       1×5=5
Beggar description, a dark horse, far and wide, well off, on the sly, skim through, in not time
6. Re-write the following in the reported speech     5
“May I come in, sir?” A boy standing at the door said to him. Then without waiting for his reply the boy entered the room and said, “Sir, I have come from Palashpur with a letter from Mr. Ajit Bose.” “Ajit Bose? How is he?’ he said smiling. “He is not well. He has been suffering from a serious illness for two years,” the boy said. “How sad it is! May God cure him” he said.
7. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed :                    1×5=5
(a) Long long ago there was a king who was very wise. (Make it simple) (b) People called him wise Solomon. (Make it passive) (c) Actually, at that time he was the wisest of all. (Make it comparative) (d) There was another ruler also named queen of Sheba. (Make it compound) (e) One day she thought wisdom should not remain untested. (Make it complex)
8. Fill in the blanks with tag questions:            1x5=5
a) Let us have a discussion---------?
b) Time and tide wait for none----------?
c) Many of us waste our time---------?
d) None could prosper in life without utilizing time---?
ej Every body should realize this truth —-----?
9. Complete the following sentences:                1x5=5
la) No sooner had he reached the station---------.
(b) She ran fast lest—-----.
(c) He could not avail---------.
(d) I prevented him---------.
(e) All should do something to----------.

Part B— Composition : Marks—60

10. You are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report on the rising of prices of essential commodities in the market.                                                                 10
11. Write a short composition on uses and abuses of the Wonders of Science.                                        15
12. Write an application to the principal of your college seeking permission to go on a study tour. 10
13. Write a dialogue between two friends stating the causes of failure in English and solution to the problem.
14. Complete the following story with the cue. 15 Once there lived a poor wood cutter. But he was very honest. He earned his livelihood by selling wood in the market. One day while he…………………….


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