Class Eight model tet

9.The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.
Column A
Column B
i.            Once there were
(a)  The whole of India should be under him.
ii.          They were well known for
(b)  Twelve landlords in Bengal.
iii.         At that time, Akbar was
(c)   Parts of India.
iv.         This great Mughal emperor wanted that
(d)  Their love for independence.
v.          He conquered
The emperor of India.

Section A: Writing (40 marks)
10.  Compose a dialogue between Tareq and myself about the importance of learning English.                                                                                         10

11.  Write a paragraph on ‘A Tea Stall’. Use the following cues.    10

(a) What is a tea stall?

(b) Where is it found?

(c) What are sold here?

(d) What sorts of customers come here?

(e) What do the customers do besides taking tea?

12.  Complete the story. You can use the given clues.                            10
Once there were two friends lived near the forest village. They were fast friends. They promise to each other if any difficult time will come they will help each other and never ------------
13.  Write a letter to your friend about importance of physical exercise.                                                                                                   10

Knowledge Park
Model Test 01
JSC Examination Preparation
Subject: English 1st paper                                  
Time: 3 hours                                                               Full marks: 100
 (N.B.-the figures in the right margin indicate full marks.)
Section A: Reading (60 marks)
Read the text and answer questions 1, 2 and 3.
Communication of ideas is at the centre of civilization. It needs written records. Most of our records in the modern age are on paper. Though writing was invented very early, paper is a more modern invention.
For long in history, people transferred ideas through speaking and listening. Then there came the art of writing. But to record thoughts in writing was difficult. Writing material was not available. People used surface of stone, metal, wood, bark, leaves etc. for writing. Those things were not easy to carry. Then for ages, people looked for easy writing materials. Finally, paper was invented in China in 105 AD.

Before paper age, knowledge was very restricted. Can you think of that time? There were very few books in the world. Maybe, they were written on stone or on heavy wood plunks or on metal sheets. Suppose, one page was a heavy stone block. So think of a hundred page book! In our age, you can carry the entire world of knowledge in a digital form in your laptop bag. You can even carry a huge volume of paper encyclopedia. But who could produce and carry tons of heavy stone books and documents in those paperless days? In fact, paper has made publication and the spread of knowledge and information easy. So, you can see how paper has changed our life.
1. Question: Guess the meaning of the following words used in the text above.                                                                                              1×5=5                
a)  The word finally means
(i)  eventually (ii)   gradually      (iii) specially (iv) properly
b)  The word heavy means
(i)   light (ii)  weighty        (iii) easy (iv) whitish
c)  The word spread means
(i) speed (ii)  accelerate (iii)  stretch (iv) spend
d)   The word entire means
(i)  enter (ii) entry (iii) partial (iv) whole
e)   The word produce means
(i)          (i) prosper (ii) yield (iii)   plough (iv) cultivate
2.      Give short answer to the following questions.                                    10      
(a)   Why was it difficult to record thoughts in writing in the past?
(b)   What has paper made easy?
(c)    Who invented paper and when?
(d)   Why did people look for easy writing materials?
(e)   Why does a civilization need written record?
3. Read the above passage again. Now write a summary of the passage.                         
Read the text and answer questions 4 and 5.
Charles Dickens was one of the greatest English novelists of the nineteenth century.  He wrote some of the best novels in English literature. Even during life time, he was exceptionally popular. He was born on February 7, 1812 at Portsmouth.  When he was a school boy, his father was sent to prison for debt.  He could not go to school and receive education.  But by the time, he was twenty five years old, he had become well known as a writer of great talent. Dickens had to work in a factory at the age of twelve. He never forgot his hard experience of his boyhood.   Dickens died on June 1870.  

Percy Bysshe Shelly was a romantic poet of the early 19th century. He was born on August 4, 1792 at Sussex in England. His father Timothy Shelly was a country Landlord. From his boyhood Shelly was a boy of meditative and studious. When he was a boy of twelve, he was sent to Eton. At the age of 18, he went to Oxford University. But after one year he was expelled from the University for writing a pamphlet entitled “The Necessity of Atheism”.  His famous lyric ‘ode to the west wind’ was written in 1819.  One day Shelly and his friend Williams set sail in his boat Aerial for Leghorn.  On the way back, Shelly and Williams were drowned by a sudden storm on July 8, 1822. 

4.       Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.

Margaret Thatcher
Mother Theresa
Born in (year, city/town)



Major works


5.       Read the following sentences. Write (T) in your answer script if the sentence is true. Write (F) in your answer script if the sentence is false. If false, give the correct answer.
(a)    Charles Dickens was born in England.
(b)   Charles Dickens had much education.
(c)    Percy Bysshe Shelly was graduated from Oxford University. 
(d)   Percy Bysshe Shelly was expelled from the University for writing a pamphlet entitled “The Necessity of Atheism”. 
(e)   Percy Bysshe Shelly died a natural death. 
6.       Fill the gaps with appropriate words:
Walking is a good exercise. It (a) -------- our body and develops our mind. It is (b) -------- for health. One can take fresh air and enjoy the (c) ------ of nature if one walks early in the morning. So (d) -------- should be formed as a (e) ------- by people of all ages.
7.  Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.                              
a) In 1914 when the first world war broke out, he wanted to join the army.
b) At the age of eleven, he showed his poetic genius.
c) On his return from the battle field, he gave up his sword for the pen and began to write poems.
d) In 1972 he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata and was declared our national poet.
e) His poem inspired our freedom fighters in the liberation was of Bangladesh.
f) At last at the age of 19 he joined the army as an ordinary soldier.
g) He wrote a lot of poems, songs, short stories, gajals, novels etc. and traveled all branches of Bengali literature.
h) Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1306 BS (1899 AD) at Churulia in the district of Bardwan.       
i) He died on 29 August, 1976.
j) His famous poem Bidrohi stirred the whole nation.

8. Fill in the gaps using clues from the boxes. There are more words than necessary.
Without efforts there can be no (a) -------- in life. Life (b) ---------- its interest if there is no struggle. Games become dull, if there is no (c) ---------- in them and if the (d) --------- can be easily foreseen. No matter we (e) --------the game or lose it the keener the contest, the greater (f) --------. A victory is not a (g)--------triumph unless (h)---------- the sides are equally (i)--------------.Whether we like it or not, life is one (j)-----competitive examination.


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Narration For HSC Students

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