
Put in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross for zero article.
1.      We live in the age of (a) _______ science. Newspaper is (b) ______ wonder of modern science. Newspaper is (c) _____ which carries news of (d) _____ whole  world. It is such (e) _______ important thing that we can not go (f) ______ single day without it.
2.      Football is (a) ______ popular game in our country. It is equally exciting to (b) _______ players and spectators. It is a foreign (c) ________ game. It is popular all over (d) _____ world. It is played in an open (e) _____ field. People of all (f) ______ classes like it.
3.      Every woman is (a) _____ potential mother. (b) _____ future of a child depends on how it is brought up. In this case (c) _____ educated mother plays (d) _____ important role. She can bring (e) _____ child up better than (f) _____ illiterate mother.
4.       Money is called (a) _____ fuel of life. Though money is (b) _____ must in our particle life. It can not ensure all happiness. Happiness lies in (c) _____ contentment. Morality plays (d) _____ important role in this regard. We must exercise morality in all walks of our (e) _____ life for building up (f) _____ corruption-free nation.
5.       Hazrat Omar (R) was (a) _____ second Caliph of Islam. He used to go out at (b) _____ night in disguise to know (c) _____ condition of his subjects. One night he went out in disguise. Suddenly (d) _______ sound of crying reached his ears from (e) _____ hut. He went to (f) _____ hut and saw some children crying together.
6.      A true friend is (a) _____ asset. He stands by his friend in (b) _____ time of danger. He is not a greedy person. He always wishes for (c) ______ welfare of his friend. But it is (d) ____ matter of fact that (e) ______ ideal friend is very rarer today. (f) ______ selfish man can not be a true friend.
7.      Truthfulness is (a) _____ greatest of all (b) _____ virtues which make (c) ______ persons really great. If we do not cultivate the habit of speaking (d) _____ truth, we can not command the confidence of others. The man whom nobody believes can never be famous in life. It may be that we may succeed once or twice by telling (e) _____ lie but it never brings about (f) _____ good result.
8.      Patriotism is a noble  (a) _____ virtue. It inspires (b) ____ man to shed the last drop of blood to defend the freedom of his (c) _____ country. (d) _____ man without patriotism is no better than (e) ____ beast. A true patriot is honoured by (f) ____all.
9.      Money cannot buy (a) _____ happiness. Money is (b) _____ must for our life. But it is not (c) ____ necessary to bring our happiness. Happiness is absolutely (d) _____ psychological thing. It is (e) _____ name of feeling. It means (f) _____ contentment of the mind.
10.  A library is (a) _____ part and parcel of (b) _____ educational institution. It is (c) ____ unique place where books of different subjects are kept for (d) _____ reading. It enables the readers to read books of their choice that create enthusiasm for learning. Students should pay (e) ____ visit to (f) _____ library regularly.
11.  A student must take care of his (a) ____ health because (b) ____sound mind lives in a sound body. Good health is (c) ____ key to success. In order to enjoy good health, (d) ____ student must observe the rules of health. (e) ____ unhealthy man may be the possessor of vast (f) _____ wealth but he leads an unhappy life.
12.  Akbar, the great was one of (a) ____ greatest emperors of India. He was on the one side a great ruler and on the other side a man of (b) _____ wisdom. Among all (c) ____ Mughal rulers he was (d) ____ best. As a result his name has been written in golden letters in the page of (e) ____ history. He was (f) _____ uneducated person.
13.  English is (a) _____ international language. It is spoken all over (b) ____ world. So the importance of (c) _____ English can be described in words. All (d) _____ books on higher education are written in English. Today organizations need employees who can speak and write (e) _____ standard form of (f) _____ English.
14.  Man is (a) _____ best creation of Allah. He is (b) _____ rational animal. His creation is not a mere (c) ______ play or without any purpose. He has to do (d) ____ lot but his life is (e) ____ short. So he must decide what he should do. He  must have (f) ____ aim in life.
15.  My mother is (a) _____ very religious. She always advises me to follow (b) ____ path if truth and honesty. She bears (c) _____ good moral character. She is very kind to (d) _____ poor. She is (e) ____ ideal housewife. She takes great care of  (f) ____ my education.
16.  (a) ____ ant is an industrious (b) ____ insect. No other insect is as industrious like (c) ____ ant. If we open (d) ____ pages of history we shall see that (e) ____ men who have become great in (f) _____ world were industrious.
17.  Ferdousi was one of (a) _____ greatest poets in Persian literature. He was (b) -------- epic writer. He was asked to write “Shahnama” in honour of Sultan Mahmud. When the poet agreed to write it, (c) --- Sultan promised to pay him a piece of gold for each verse. But when the epic was written with (d) -------- sixty thousand verses he wanted to give Ferdousi only sixty thousand pieces of silver. The post refused (e) --------- offer and left (f) ----- court angrily.
18.  (a) _____ great Ship Titanic sailed for (b) ____ NewYork from Southamton on April, 1912. At that time she was (c) ____ largest ship. The tragic sinking of this great (d) _____ liner will always be remembered for she went down on her (e) ____ first voyage. Four days after sailing out, she sank on the icy waters of (f) ____ North Atlantic.
19.  Money is called (a) ______ fuel of life. Though money is (b) ______ must in our practical life, it cannot ensure all happiness. Happiness lies in (c) ______ contentment. Morality plays (d) ______ important role in this regard. We must exercise morality in all (e) ______ walks of our life for building up (f) ______ corruption free nation.


  1. a true friend is(a).... asset he stands by his(b) time of danger. he is not (c).. greedy man.he wishes for (d)...welfare of his friend. but it is (e)..matter of (f) that (g)...


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