HSC English Second Paper Model Test

HSC Model Test

English Second Paper

Full Mark-100

Time- 3 hours

                                         Part-A Grammar [Marks : 60]

1.  Fill in the blanks in the following texts with articles (a/an/lhe) as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put a cross (x) in those blanks..                                     5x10 = 5

(a) — angry man is not liked even by (b) — idiot. There is a difference between (c) — educated and(d)— uneducated person. Again there is a :rence between (e) — rich ana (f) — poor. An educated (g) —- man should come forward • to educate (h) — uneducated man. On the other hand, (i) — rich man should have sympathy for (j) — poor man.

2. Complete the text with suitable prepositions..                                                        5 x 10 = 5

A great part (a) — Arabia is desert. Here and there is nothing but sand and rock. The sand, is so hot that you cannot walk (b) — it with bare feet (c) — the day time. Here and there in the desert are springs (d)— water that come from (e) — the ground, so ' deep that the sun cannot dry them (f) —. Wherever there is a spring, trees grow tall and graceful, making a cool green, shady place (g) — it. Such a ; place is called an oasis. Oases provide habitat (h) — animals and even human if the area is big enough. The location (i) — oases has been of critical importance (j) — trade and transportation routes in desert areas.

3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrase/words given in the box.                .5x10 = 5

had better

as long as

was bom

let alone



would rather

as soon as

as if

have to

(a) Mr Aziz is an honest man. He — starve than take bribe.

(b) Hello, I am from Bangladesh. I — in Dhaka.

(c) Your mother is ill. So, I think you---go home early

(d) We have started late. Now you are walking Slowly. Walk fast--- you Should miss the train.

(e) I want to set up a hospital. But, I have not enough money. 1 — I were a millionaire to do that.

(f) I helped him many a time. But, now he speaks in such a manner he did not know me.

(g) None can live without hope. In fact, there is hope — there is life.

(h) Rima was waiting for the reply. So, she went home — she got tne telegram.

 (i) You don't know how poor he is. He cannot buy a fan — an air-conditioner.

(j) There are some promising sectors in Bangladesh. So, we all — work sincerely to flourish in those areas.

4. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses.phrases.                                                                     .5x10 = 5

(a) The students were making noise in the

classroom. No sooner had the teacher entered the class ----

(b) I did not know that you were very busy with your examination. If I —, I would not have come to disturb you

(c) It is very cold today. You will be sick unless you —.

(d) Environment is part and parcel of our life. We should keep the environment free from pollution so that —.

(e) The rain will stop soon. We have a plan to go out. We will start when----

(f) You are now very busy arranging the program Call me in case---

(g) 21 February is a red letter day in our life because----. It is our mother language day.

(h) Please remember that I can't do the work alone.1 will do every work provided —.

(i) Playing in the sun may make you sick. Avoid playing in the sun lest —.

(j) Bangladesh is a populous country. The area of Bangladesh is so small that —.

5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context. .                                                                                                 5 x 10 = 5

My 17th birthday ceremony (a) — (hold) yesterday. On the occasion the whole house (b) — (decorate) very nicely. All the rooms (c) — (clean). A dining table (d) — (set) in the middle of the dining room. Various delicious items of food (e) —- (cook) by my mother. An order (f) — (give) for a birthday cake. The guests who (g) — (invite) started to come. They (h) ----(Welcome) by my parents. They (i) ----(tell) to sit in the drawing room. The cake (j)—(bring) in time.

6.  Read the text and change the sentences as directed.                                       1x5 = 5

(a) Day to day life in Dhaka is expensive. (Negative) (b) People living below the poverty line lead a miserable life. (Complex) (c) Price hike is one of the biggest problems for them. (Positive) (d) The government has taken necessary measures to keep the price hike under control. (Passive) (e) The people who are greedy, are responsible for price spiral. (Simple)

7. Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches.                                               5

Alexander said to Porus, "How do you desire to be treated?" "Like a king", replied Porus." And you have nothing else to request?" said Alexander. "No".

8. Identify the unclear pronoun references in the following paragraph. Where necessary, rewrite the sentence so that all pronoun references are clear.                                                 1x5 = 5

Once a king ordered his cook to prepare a delicious duck roast. When it was cooked, he could not resist his temptation and ate one of the legs of the roasted duck. When he sat to eat, he found one of the legs of it was missing and so, he asked him about it. But the cook said that it had only one leg. At this, he got furious and said that there was no such thing as a one-legged duck.

9. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces.                      .5x10 = 5

Nelson Mandela, (a) — (post-modify the noun with an appositive), is one of the greatest leaders of the world, no doubt. During (b) — (use article to pre­modify the noun) time of Mandela, the Europeans were separated from the non-Europeans. It was (c) — (use a noun-adjective to pre-modify the noun) policy of racial segregation. The blacks were subjected to (d) — (use quantifier to pre-modify the

noun) sorts of indignities. They were denied all basic (e) — (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) rights. They were in fact aliens in (f) — (use possessive to pre-modify the noun phrase) own country. The blacks were also treated (g) — (use an adverb to post-modify the verb). Even dogs received a much better treatment than the blacks. The (h) — (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) leader vowed to put an end to the inhuman practice. Unfortunately, (i) — (use a demonstrative to premodify the noun) great man was thrown behind the prison bars. But the oppressive rulers could not break his spirit. All his life he struggled against apartheid. Eventually the great leader fulfilled the goal of liberating (j) — (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) people.

10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage.                                                                                                        .5 x 10 = 5

Unemployment is a great problem in our country, (a) —•, it is the burning question of the day. (b) —, almost all countries of the world suffer from the curse of unemployment problem, (c)—,Bangladesh is the worst sufferer of so called problem, (d) — nowhere in the world this problem is so acute as in our country, (e) — there are many reasons behind it. (f) — our country is industrially backward, (g) — our system of education fails to give a student an independent start of life, (h) — it has little provision for vocational training, (i) — our students and youths have a false sense of dignity (j) —-, they run after jobs blindly.

11. Read the passage and then write the antonym or synonym of the words as directed below.                                                                                           .5x10 = 5

Literacy is a blessing No nation can prosper without education. Education is the indicator of prosperity of a nation. It is often argued that an illiterate jobless person is better than a literate jobless person. But- this is quite illogical. An educated person has bigger extent of self- employment; his productivity is also more than his counterpart. He can distinguish between good and bad in a much better way.

(a) Literacy (antonym) (b) blessing (antonym) (c) prosper (antonym) (d) Education (synonym) (e) prosperity (synonym) (f) illogical (antonym) (g) bigger (synonym) (h) more (synonym) (i) bad (antonym) (j) better (synonym)

12. There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors..                             5x10 = 5

Della : May I come inSophronie : yes please Della : Do you buy hair?

Sophronie : yes, I buy hair Della : Will you buy my hair Sophronie : Take your hat off and lets have a sight at the looks of it.

Della : How much will you pay Sophronie : Twenty dollars.

Della : Only twenty dollars!

Sophronie : Yes, that's the best 1 can offer.

Della : Ok give it to me Quick Sophronie : Here it s

Part-B : Composition [Marks : 40]

13. Suppose, you ar e reporter of a national dialy. Recently you have attended a Fresher's Reception Ceremony arranged by Rajshahi College for the newcomers. Now, write a report on the fresher's reception function held in Rajshahi College. Write a news report of about 120 word words. Give title to your report.                                                                                                                 8

14. Suppose, you are Akash/Meghla. Recently, you have passed your HSC examination and now, you are seeking admission into a foreign university. Write an email to the University of London, Admission Section, asking them about admission procedure for overseas students.                                                  8

15. Write a cause and effect paragraph on 'Drug Addiction'.                                        10

16. Students are the future leaders of a nation. So from a very early stage of their life they should exercise their leadership qualities and develop the mentality to serve the nation in future. Now, write a composition on 'Students and social service.' Write at least 200 words but don't exceed 250 words.                                                                          14


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Narration For HSC Students

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