English First Paper Model Test -1


English First Paper

Subject Code: 107

SSC Exam Preparation

N.B: The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer all the questions
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-1: Lesson-4(B)

A responsibility is a duty or an obligation TO DO something. For example, you have the responsibility to take care of your parents in their old age, to attend school and pursue your studies properly and so on. You have also the responsibility to society and the government, e.g. to help a neighbour in trouble or to cast your vote if you are 18 or over.

A responsibility is also an obligation or a duty NOT TO DO something. For example, you have the responsibility not to steal a book from a public library or not to put your building materials on the footpath. These are your responsibilities as citizens. But there are responsibilities of the government as well. Our government has the responsibilities to provide for its citizens “the basic necessities of life, including food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care”1. The government also has the responsibilities to protect the fundamental rights of its citizens to freedom of speech and expression, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, equality of all before law2 etc.

The knowledge, skills and attitudes you have gained at home, at school and in society will help you to accept your responsibilities and to carry them out effectively. Remember, discharging your responsibilities will be good for you, good for your family and friends, and good for your society and country as a whole.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7

(a) A ― is an obligation to do and not to do things.

     (i) punctuality        (ii) responsibility         (iii) honesty                 (iv) sincerity

(b) We should ― school regularly.

      (i)   be absent in     (ii) be present from      (iii) be inattentive in     (iv) attend

(c) It is our duty to ― neighbour in problems.

      (i) do harm to         (ii) help                        (iii) exploit                   (iv) praise

(d) The govt has the responsibility to protect the ― rights of its citizens.

       (i) birth                  (ii) fundamental           (iii) educate                 (iv) medicare

(e) One can cast his vote if he is ― or over.

      (i) 16                      (ii) 12                          (iii) 20                         (iv) 18

(f) What part of speech is 'Responsibility'?

      (i) verb                   (ii) adverb                    (iii) adjective               (iv) noun

(g) What does the word 'Responsibility' mean?

       (i) something that it is your job or duty to deal with

       (ii) a tough job      

       (iii) something which should not be done

       (iv) something which must be done

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10

(a) What do you mean by responsibility?

(b) When can you cast your vote?

(c) What should you do when a neighbour faces problems?

(d) What are the responsibilities of the government?

(e) What are your responsibilities?

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5

A responsibility is a (a)___ to do things and (b)___ to do (c)___. It is our duty and responsibility to take (d)___ of our parents, to (e)___ school, not to (f)___ a book from a public (g)___. The (h)___ has also some responsibilities. The govt has (i)___ protect the (j)___ rights of citizens.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Archimedes was a great scientist who was born in Italy in 287 BC. He was very interested in Mathematics. He had great love for his country and for that he made ‘Catapult’. He wrote many great books such as ‘On spirals’, ‘Measurement of a Circle’. In fact, he was a man of shrewd intelligence. This scientist died in 212 B.C.

Hipparchus was also a great scientist who was born in Greece in 190 BC. He was mainly an astronomer. He was also very good at Mathematics. His contribution to astronomy is simply great. This astronomer died in 127 B.C.

Anther great as tronomer is Ptolemy who was born in 90. AD. He had great intelligence in astronomy. His great book is ‘Almagest’ which is known as the Bible of astronomy. He is ever remember for his contribution to the astronomical inventions. He died in 170 AD.

Country/City(a) -----
(b) -----
Birth year(c) ----- BC.190 BC.
Profession\WorkScientist(d) -----
Death year(e) ---- BC.127 BC.
5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5
Column AColumn B
a.    The mosque is roofedi.     of Islam in the south.
b.    Khan Jahan Ali was the earliest torchbearerii.    with 77 squat domes including 7 chauchala.
c.    Prayer hall of the mosqueiii.   by Khan Jahan Ali.
d.    One of the greatest tourist attractionsiv.   was also used as the court.
e.    Shat Gambuj Masjid was foundedv.     in mid 15th century.
 vi.   was used as auditorium.
 vii. of Bangladesh is in Bagerhat.
 7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8

(a)    In 1914 when the First World War broke out, he wanted to join the army. At last at the age of 19 he joined the army as an ordinary soldier.

(b)    At the age of eleven, he showed his poetic genius.

(c)    On his return from battlefield, the gave up the sword for the pen and began to write poems.

(d)    In 1972, he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata and was declared our national poet. He died on the 29 August, 1976

(e)    His poem inspired our freedom fighters in the Liberation War of Bangladesh.

(f)    His famous poem ‘Bidrohi’stirred the whole nation .

(g)    He wrote a lot of poems, songs, short stories, gajals, novels, etc and travelled all branches of Bengali literature.

(h)    Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1306 B.S. 1899 A. D. at Churulia in the district of Burdwan.


1. a. (ii) responsibility; b. (iv) attend; c. (ii) help; d. (ii) fundamental; e. (i) 18; f. (iv) noun; g. (i) something that it is your job or duty to deal with;

2. a. Responsibility is a duty or obligation to do things and not to do things.

    b. We can cast our vote when we are 18 years or above.

    c. We should help a neighbour when he faces problems.

    d. The responsibilities of the government are to provide for its citizens the basic necessities of life as well as to protect the fundamental rights of its citizens.

    e. Our responsibilities are to take care of our parents, to attend school and pursue our studies properly, to cast our vote, to help a neighbour in problems. It is also our responsibilities not to steal a book from a library, not to keep building wastes on the footpath.

3. (a) compulsion; (b) not; (c) things; (d) care; (e) attend; (f) steal; (g) library; (h) government; (i) to; (j) fundamental.

4. (a) Italy, (b) Greece, (c) 287, (d) Astronomer, (e) 212.

5. Archimedes was born in Italy. He was very interested in Mathematics. Because of his great love for his country, he made 'Catapult'. Another great scientist Hipparchus was born in Greece. Though he was an astronomer, he was also very good at Mathematics. Ptolemy was also a great scientist. He had great intelligence in astronomy and for that he wrote 'Almagest', which is known as the Bible of astronomy

6. (a + ii) : The mosque is roofed with 77 squat domes including 7 chauchala.

     (b + i) : Khan Jahan Ali was the earliest torchbearer of Islam in the south.

     (c + iv) : Prayer hall of the mosque was also used as the court.

    (d + vii) : One of the greatest tourist attractions of Bangladesh is in Bagerhat.

    (e + iii)  : Shat Gambuj Masjid was founded by Khan Jahan Ali.

7. h → b → a → c → g → e → f → d


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