English First Paper Model Test -2


English First Paper

Subject Code: 107

SSC Exam Preparation

N.B: The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer all the questions
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-2: Lesson-1(G)

Hi, I’m Shyam. I’m from Magura. Though a district headquarters, it’s a small town. I’m in grade 9 now in Chander Hut Bidyaloya. I love games and sports very much. My father was an athlete in his student life. He inspires me to follow his footsteps and take part in games and sports or do some exercise besides my studies. So I get up early in the morning and take a walk with my father almost every day. We walk for about an hour. At school, during break I play kabadi, gollachut, badminton, table tennis, and carom. Sometimes I practise the high jump and the long jump outside the school campus. Playing football in the nearest college ground is a passion for me. I like watching television too. I watch sports programmes on different TV channels during my free times. I’m a fan of National Geographic, Discovery, and Animal Planet for their documentaries as they are quite interesting as well as educative. Recently my father has presented me with a flashy camera as he was very happy with my junior secondary scholarship exams. When I hold the camera, I feel so excited! I wish I could be an amateur photographer in future – not to snap only personal photographs at different parties but to shoot our beautiful Bangladesh. I’m sure that soon photography will be my most favourite pastime.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7

(a) Shyam is a/an―.

(i) early riser            (ii) lazy man                (iii) lethargic person     (iv) idle person

(b) Shyam is fond of ― very much.

(i) reading                (ii) writing                    (iii) talking                   (iv) games and sports

(c) Shyam's father encourages him to ― in games and sports.

(i) participate           (ii) debar                      (iii) refrain                   (iv) take back

(d) Shyam and his father go out for a morning walk for ― hour.

(i) about half an       (ii) half an                    (iii) an                          (iv) about an

(e) In the passage 'Pastime' means ―.

(i) time which is past                                    (ii) time which is spent

(iii) hobby                                                   (iv) time which has been enjoyed

(f) Shyam ― from Magura.

(i) departs                (ii) departed                 (iii) hails                      (iv) hail

(g) Shyam practices high- jump and long-jump―.

(i) sometime             (ii) sometimes              (iii) some time              (iv) some times

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10

(a) What do you know regarding Magura?

(b) What does Shyam do during break at school?

(c) Why is he a fan of the National Geographic and Discovery channels?

(d) What is Shyam's passion?

(e) Why has Shyam's father presented him with a flashy camera?

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5

Shyam, a student of grade 9, (a)___ in Chander Hut Bidyaloya. He is (b)___ of games and sports. His father (c)___ an athlete always inspires him to (d)___ in games and sports. He takes part in games and sports (e)___ inside and outside the school campus. His (f)___ activity is to watch sports programmes (g)___ TV channels. The channels (h)___ National Geographic, Discovery and Animal Planet (i)___ his purposes most as they are the source of both (j)___ and pleasure.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Galen is one of the best figures in the fields of physiology. He was born in Turkey in 129 A.D. His father who was an architect and mathematician had a great influence on him. Galen was very famous in the studies of physiology. He became a physiologist and surgeon. His great book which is about physiology is 'On the Bones'. This great scientist died in 199 A.D.

Bhaskara was a great mathematician and astronomer. He was born in India in 1114. Bhaskara wrote his great book ‘Siddanta-Shiromoni’ that he wrote at 36. He was a very talented person. He was exceptionally skilled in Arithmatic and calulas. This great man died in 1183 A.C.

Jabir Ibn Hyan was born in the ancient Arbia in 720 A.D. He was a great chemist. He wrote many books on Chemistry. His books are ‘Book of concentration’, ‘Book of the Composition of Alchemi’, etc. He was very creative scientist. He died in 813 A.D.

Country/City(a) -----
Birth year129 AD(b) ---- AD
Profession\Achievement(c) ----
(d) ----
Death year(e) ----
813 AD

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5
Column AColumn B
a.    The UNESCOi.      movement are held in due respect.
b.   Its headquartersii.     at the cost of valuable lives.
c.    At present 21 st Februaryiii.    the martyrs of the language movement.
d.   The martyrs of the languageiv.    begins at home.
e.    Bangla got recognition as mother tonguev.     is observed internationally.
 vi.    are in Paris
 vii.   is an international organization.
7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8

(a)    As each pebble went down, the water in the jar rose up little by little.

(b)    It flew from one place to another in search of water and at last found a jar in a garden.

(c)    It hit upon a plan then and took some pebbles. Then it dropped the pebbles into the jar.

(d)    The crow tried to turn the jar over again but it had no effect. Then it decided to fly away in despair.

(e)    When the water came to the mouth of the jar the crow drank it.

(f)    A crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink water.

(g)    There was some water in the jar but it was too low down and out of its reach.

(h)    As it was leaving the jar, it noticed a heap of pebbles nearby.


1. a. (i) early riser; b. (iv) games and sports; c. (i) participate; d. (iv) about an; e. (iii) hobby; f. (iii) hails; g. (ii) sometimes; h. (i) encouraged; i. (ii) pastime; j. (i) were; (k) (i) father; (l) (ii) football; (m) (iii) Magura; (n) (iii) sometimes.


(a) Magura is a district headquarters and it is a small town.

(b) Shyam plays kabadi, gollachut, badminton, table tennis and carom during break at school.

(c) He is a fan of these channels because they provide him with instruction and pleasure.

(d) Shyam's passion is to play football in the nearest college ground.

(e) Shyam's father has presented him with a flashy camera as he is very happy with Shyam's result.

3. (a) studies; (b) fond; (c) being; (d) participate; (e) both; (f) pastime; (g) on; (h) like; (i) serve; (j) instruction.

4. (a) (a) Trukey, (b) 720 AD, (c) Physiologist, (d) Chemist, (e) 199 AD.

5. Galen, a best figure in the field of physiology was born in Turkey. He became physiologist and surgeon. A great mathematician and astronomer Bhaskara was born in India. He was exceptionally skilled in Arithmetic and Calculus. Jabir Ibn Hyan was an ancient Arabian chemist. He was also a very creative scientist.

(a + vii) : The UNESCO is an international organization.

(b + vi)   : Its headquarters are in Paris.

(c + v)    : At present 21 st February is observed internationally.

(d + i)     : The martyrs of the language movement are held in due respect.

(e + ii)    : Bangla got recognition as mother tongue at the cost of valuable lives.

7. f → b → g → d → h → c → a → e


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