English Second Paper Model Test-3


English Second Paper

Subject Code: 108

SSC Exam Preparation

N.B: The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer all the questions.

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

 1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.  0.5×10=5

A good man is (a) —— man of character. His polite behaviour is (b) —— great asset because he can win the heart (c) —— other people around him, no matter whether he is all he deals with. He behaves well (f) —— even those who are rude towards him because he hates to behave rudely. One who pretends to be polite cannot be polite (g) —— all circumstances. But (h) ——man who is really polite does not (i) —— to be polite whatever be (j) —— provocation.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

In addition (a) —— its economic contribution, (b) —— expansion of garment industry (c) —— Bangladesh has (d) —— noticeable. Social changes (e) —— bringing. More than 1.12 million women (f) —— labour force. These working women now enjoy (g) —— better status in (h) —— family. (i) —— working women can now choose when to (j) —— married or become mothers. They can participate in family decision making.

3. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Ambitionworkto be competitive too
Almost all of usneedssuccessful in life if one sits idly
One needs tocan never bea particular ambition
One's ambitionmeanshard to materialize any ambition
Onecherishdesire to achieve something
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5

There are various kinds of qualities which (a) —— a good man from a bad man. The aggregates of these noble qualities of head and heart (b) —— character. A man of character (c) —— a real prince among men. He (d) —— by all. On the other hand, a characterless man (e) —— everywhere. A characterless man (f) —— vast wealth, but he (g) —— people's compliments. Such a man (h) —— honesty, tolerance and love for others. He (i) —— to cheat people. So people always try (j) —— him.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

A fruit seller said, "Which fruits would you need? I have apple from Australia, oranges from Darjeeling, grapes from Kashmir, etc." The customer said, "What fruits do you have of our country?" The seller said, "Yes, I have coconut, guava, jackfruits, etc." The customer said, "I want one kg of guava as it will be the substitute of Australian apple."

6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     It was twenty years ago and I was living in Paris. (Simple)

(b)     I had a tiny apartment in the Latin Quarters overlooking a cemetery. (Compound)

(c)     I was earning barely enough money to keep body and soul together. (Complex) .

(d)     A lady had read a book of mine and had written to me about it. (Simple)

(e)    I answered thanking her. (Compound)

(f)     Presently I received from her another letter. (Passive)

(g)     In it, she expressed her desire to have a chat with me. (Interrogative)

(h)     Foyot's is one of the most expensive restaurants in Paris. (Positive)

(i)      Only the French senators eat there. (Negative)

(j)      It was so far beyond my means that I had never, thought of going there. (Compound)

7. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     —— is one of the greatest virtues of a man.

(b)     A man who is truthful ——.

(c)     —— we can't shine in life.

(d)     It is better for us to——.

(e)     Nothing can daunt a person who is accustomed to ——.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5×10=5

Courtesy is a virtue. It goes without saying that courtesy costs nothing but gives a lot. So we should possess this virtue. That is we must have (a) — (polite) —. People will (b) — (respect) — and (c) — (like) — us if we are (d) — (courteous) —. Nobody likes (e) — (courtesy) —. We should try to be gentle from our student life. We can win the heart of our enemy by being (f) — (courtesy) —. We can ensure the (g) — (move) — of hatred and anger by (h) — (brace) — our enemy. Courtesy can eradicate the (i) — (bit) — relationship and improve mutual understanding and (j) — (cordial) — among people.

9. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     Physical exercise means systematic and methodical movement of our limbs. Without it, we cannot enjoy sound health, ——?

(b)     Since he is a brilliant student, we hope he will make a good result, ——?

(c)     Rasel wants to improve in English. So, his teacher said to him, "Read story books written in English, -——?"

(d)     They were gossiping with each other, suddenly one of them said, "Let's go out for a walk, ——?"

(e)     Shafiq can't complete his lessons because of his idleness. So, his teacher said to him, "Those who idle their time away lag behind, ——?"

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

Tea plants grow well on hillsides (a) —— the rainfall is abundant (b) —— water does not stand. In the rainy season, tea seeds are at first sown in a nursery. Tea seedlings are then transplanted over vast areas in rows at short intervals. (c) —— at a certain stage in its growth, twigs are carefully pruned (d) —— it cannot reach to the height more (e) —— three to five feet or so.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

what can i teach you asked nasiruddin we dont know replied the students you are students but you dont know anything so i cant teach you anything said nasiruddin


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1. (a) a; (b) a; (c) of; (d) gets; (e) of; (f) with; (g) in; (h) the; (i) fear (j) the.

2. (a) to; (b) the; (c) in; (d) become; (e) are; (f) in; (g) a; (h) the; (i) These; (j) get.

3. (a) Ambition means desire to achieve something.

(b)     Almost all of us cherish a particular ambition.

(c)     One needs to work hard to materialize any ambition.

(d)     One's ambition can never be successful in life if one sits idly.

(e)     One needs to be competitive too.

4. (a) distinguish; (b) build; (c) becomes; (d) is respected; (e) is dishonoured; (f) may have; (g) does not gain; (h) lacks; (i) does not hesitate; (j) to avoid.

5. A fruit seller asked the customer which fruits he (c) would need. Then he said that he had. apple from Australia, oranges from Darjeeling, grapes from Kashmeer, etc. The customer asked the fruit seller what fruits he (fruit seller) had of their country. The fruit seller replied that he had coconut, guava, jack fruits, etc. The customer said that he wanted one kg. of guava as it would be the substitute of Australian apple.

6. (a) I was living in Paris twenty years ago.

(b)     I had a tiny apartment in the Latin Quarters and it overlooked a cemetery.

(c)     I was earning the money which was barely enough to keep body and soul together.

(d)     A lady having read a book of mine, had written to me about it.

(e)     I answered her and I did so by thanking her.

(f)     Presently another letter was received by me from her.    

(g)     Didn't she express her desire to have a chat with me in it?

(h)     Very few restaurants in Paris are as expensive as Foyot's. 

(i)      None but the French senators eat there.

(j)      It was very far beyond my means and so I had never thought of going there.

7. (a) Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues of a man.

(b)     A man who is truthful can shine in life.

(c)     If we are not truthful we can't shine in life.

(d)     It is better for us to be truthful.

(e)     Nothing can daunt a person who is accustomed to speaking the truth.

8. (a) politeness; (b) disrespect; (c) dislike; (d) discourteous; (e) discourtesy; (f) courteous; (g) removal; (h) embracing; (i) bitter; (j) cordiality.

9. (a)     Physical exercise means systematic and methodical movement of our limbs. Without it, we cannot enjoy sound health, can we?

(b)     Since he is a brilliant student, we hope he will make a good result, won't he?

(c)     Rasel wants to improve in English. So, his teacher said to him, "Read story books written in English, will you?"

(d)     They were gossiping with each other. Suddenly one of them said, "Let's go out for a walk, shall we?"

(e)     Shafiq can't complete his lessons because of his idleness. So, his teacher said to him, "Those who idle their time away, lag behind, don't they?"

10. (a) where; (b) but;(c) Later; (d) so that; (e) than

11. "What can I teach you?" asked Nasiruddin. "We don't know," replied the students. "You are students but you don't know anything. So I can't teach you anything," said Nasiruddin.



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