English Second Paper Model Test -4


English Second Paper

Subject Code: 108

SSC Exam Preparation

N.B: The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer all the questions.

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5×10=5

Time is very (a) —— thing. Time (b) —— is lost once lost forever. There is (c) —— proverb, “Time and tide wait for none.” It is time which does not (d) —— the relative feelings. It does not wait (e) —— anyone if it is not used (f) —— . It is really essential to realize (g) —— importance of time in our life. Those who have become (h) —— would make proper use of time. They never put (i) —— their work for tomorrow. That’s why they have contributed (j) —— lot to the society.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

(a) —— three-fourths of all children in Bangladesh live (b) —— the poverty line. Child mortality (c) —— very high. Poverty, inadequate housing, malnutrition, shortage of pure drinking water, primary health care, teenage motherhood, etc (d) —— the causes (e) —— (f) —— high infant mortality. Child trafficking has become (g) —— regular phenomenon. Many children are (h) —— used (i) —— camel jockeys (j) —— the Gulf countries.

3. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Friction between teenagers and parents





certainly occur in all times
Itcommon features of the teenagers
One obvious reasonthe transition from dependence to independence
Another source of frictionvery common
Moreover, moody and sulky  behavioursthe difficult behaviours of the adolescents
4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5

We (a) —— our nature for (b) —— us with her gifts lavishly. We (c) —— a large area of land but the negligible area of land that (d) —— to us is very fertile. We (e) —— ungrateful to her. But our activities (f) —— that we have (g) —— ungrateful to our soil. We are constantly (h) —— soil pollution by our unwise activities. As a result, our fertile land is (i) —— its fertility which has (j) —— us to grow corps easily.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

Mother said to me, "Why are you reading this hour? Don't you think that it is the time for prayer?" "I've forgotten." I said to her. She said, "Remember, prayer is always good for our mind and body. Let us go for a walk after saying prayer."

6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     Very few problems in Bangladesh are as great as illiteracy. (Superlative)

(b)     Illiteracy creates all the rest problems of the country. (Passive)

(c)     Literacy and education are different thing. (Negative)

(d)     Literacy is the ability to read and write. (Complex)

(e)     But education covers development of mind and taste which is done through study. (Simple)

(f)     Literacy is so important that it is called the platform of education. (Compound)

(g)     But the rate of literacy is not high. (Affirmative)

(h)     Our rate of literacy is less than that in Sri Lanka and India. (Positive)

(i)      So, it is the duty of the educated people to contribute in literacy. (Interrogative)

(j)      The government must be sincere to eradicate illiteracy from the country. (Negative)

7. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     Walk very carefully lest ——.

(b)     Man cannot live alone and so ——.

(c)     If anybody faces a problem, ——.

(d)     The traffic jam is so unbearable that ——.

(e)     Yesterday my uncle had an accident while ——.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5×10=5

Bangladesh is a small country but has a huge (a) — (populate) —. Most people here live below the poverty line and cannot therefore afford to educate their (b) — (child) —. Many poor children either dropout school just after a few years or (c) — (simple) — do not go to school at all. (d) — (spite) — this (e) — (situate) — we have far too many students to educate. (f) — (compare) — to the number of institutions (g) — (avail) —. Bangladesh needs more schools, colleges and universities to provide for the increasing number of students but owing to (h) — (finance) — constraints, the (i) — (govern) — cannot build the requisite number of (j) — (education) — institution.

9. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     Know thyself, ——?

(b)     Neither he nor his brothers joined the function, ——?

(c)     Each of students should be studious, ——?

(d)     Not only Mithila but also her classmates made an excellent result, ——?

(e)     Eva along with her friends joined the study tour, ——?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

(a) —— I was born in a village, I passed my childhood in a town. (d) —— my birth my parents became worried about my education (c) —— there was no good school in the village. (d) —— I was four, we started living in our district town (e) —— I got admitted in a good school there.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

i have one word to say to you said the lawyer either take my advice or walk out of my chamber thank you said the client i am leaving your chamber


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

1. (a) precious; (b) which; (c) a; (d) have; (e) for; (f) wisely; (g) the; (h) great; (i) off; (j) a.

2. (a) About/Nearly; (b) below; (c) is; (d) are; (e) of; (f) the/this; (g) a; (h) now/being; (i) as; (j) in.

3. (i) Friction between teenagers and parents is very common.

(ii)    It can certainly occur in all times.

(iii)    One obvious reason is the difficult behaviours of the adolescents.

(iv)    Another source of friction is the transition from dependence to independence.

(v)     Moreover, moody and sulky behaviours are common features of the teenagers.

4. (a) owe; (b) bestowing; (c) have; (d) belongs; (e) should not be; (f) show; (g) grown; (h) causing; (i) losing; (j) enabled.

5. Mother asked me why I was reading that hour and she again asked me if I did not think that it was the time for prayer. I replied that I had forgotten. Then she advised me to remember that prayer is always good for our mind and body. She also proposed to me that we should go for a walk after saying prayer.

6. (a)     Illiteracy is one of the greatest problems in Bangladesh.

(b)     All the rest problems of the country are created by illiteracy.

(c)     Literacy and education are not the same thing.

(d)     Literacy is the ability with which one can read and write.

(e)     But education covers development of mind and taste done through study.

(f)     Literacy is very important and so it is called the platform of education.

(g)     But the rate of literacy is low.

(h)     Our rate of literacy is not as much as that in Sri Lanka and India.

(i)      So, isn't it the duty of the educated people to contribute in literacy?

(j)      The government cannot but be sincere to eradicate illiteracy from the country.

7. (a) Walk very carefully lest you should fall down.

(b)     Man cannot live alone and so he lives in a society.

(c)     If anybody faces a problem, we should try to help him/her.

(d)     The traffic jam is so unbearable that people become angry.

(e)     Yesterday my uncle had an accident while he was crossing a cross-road.

8. (a) population;   (b)   children;   (c)   simply;   (d)   Despite;   (e)   situation;   (f)   Compared; (g) available; (h) financial; (i) government; (j) educational.

9. (a)    Know thyself, will you?

(b)     Neither he nor his brothers joined the function, did they?

(c)     Each of the students should be studious, shouldn't they?

(d)     Not only Mithila but also her classmates made an excellent result, didn't they?

(e)     Eva along with her friends joined the study tour, didn't she?

10. (a) Though; (b) After; (c) because/since/as; (d) When; (e) where.

11. "I have one word to say to you," said the lawyer. "Either take my advice or walk out of my chamber." "Thank you," said the client. "I am leaving your chamber."


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